Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Wow, ear to ear smiles at our house... :D

Don't want to bump this thread, but thought I would say thanks to all the SSVPD crowd and others who have joined in. You make us so happy and proud.

Might have to joint the group someday. Oops freudian typo... Cushions and carpets and mellow vibes. I dig it.

Off-line today getting things done, So many posts and things to comment on.

VTAC is right, some woods are bad. But, American Cherry is good. It's a big reason we choose it for the 'house' wood. I have to work with it and live with it. You folks too. Mahogany is pretty, and hard, but not so pleasant to work with. Allergies (skin and respiratory) can develop with continued exposure. Other woods are much worse than that. Ebony is the worst I have been around. Dust mask and face shield are required, shower after. Cocobolo is about half that intense. Good part is they both are slick as ____ and no problem to handle once worked, exotic knives and cutlery use both woods.

Thanks for the packaging shots VTAC. I see you had the soda can ready for comparison before opening. Geraldo reports. Cool. ;) Some folks get different extras but we always include extras. Jade pebbles are for good luck and Pammy doesn't give many up to me. So it's like Cracker Jacks ! Love the cherries and the name Cherry Jane.

Pam has had a lot ot do with the project. I swear, it got started with the purple led, and her comfort, and our safety. I'm happy you folks like it.

I almost knew the answer when I asked what color she wanted. And it really is weird how the purple won't photograph nice on digi-cams. I won;t put up a photoshop fix and look fake... Oh well.

Yep, pretty trippy how you can't quite focus at that wavelength. BTW I use Elmer's White Glue to partially block the light and air-stop the hole. A bit more glue will subdue he light further, and even better is some Buzz-Butter which can be removed at will. I try to leave it mellow but visible.

partially veiled, is great. Love the posts. I want some of that shazbot too. Pammy chimes. So glad you are with us.

VTAC that little Muslin bag makes a great 'blow bag'. Another Pammy extra, Collects the duff and keeps things tidy. She is responsible for so much, like the purple clean up bottle.

Oh, I use the 'puff' tech too. Old cig smoker habit,,, Sometimes the vapor can 'roll' up into the nasals and really get things going, snort, snort, achhhhhewwww.

We are on 'Cloud 9', you folks are wonderful, Thanks again

Tom and Pammy
The Purple-Days Team


lurking kiwi
Hey vtac ... take it you quite like your PD ;) I dunno what the wife would think if I took my cherry bomb to bed with me :uhoh:

I'm only putting mids thru my PD but it still makes for 2-3 nice tasty hits and I had 5 bowls once home tonight and don't feel the need to head back for anymore ... just yet :ko: What I love is opening my 'draw' and there was only a small amount of ground up herb ... this would normally prompt me to reach for the tin and grinder ... but after 5 bowls theres still a few crumbs left and no need for anymore.


lurking kiwi
Purple-Days said:
little Muslin bag makes a great 'blow bag'.
Its what I use. 16 days of use and I have filled the 'blow-bag' nearly twice. I use to go thru close to a zee in 2 weeks ... 25-30% less with the PD I reckon :)

5 + 3 = 8 bowls :brow:


vapor junkie
Staff member
vaporcloud said:
Hey vtac ... take it you quite like your PD ;)
Just a little. ;)

I'm using the jar for easy storage, might use the bag for travel.

What I love is opening my 'draw' and there was only a small amount of ground up herb ... this would normally prompt me to reach for the tin and grinder ... but after 5 bowls theres still a few crumbs left and no need for anymore.
You and me both. :D

Its what I use. 16 days of use and I have filled the 'blow-bag' nearly twice. I use to go thru close to a zee in 2 weeks ... 25-30% less with the PD I reckon
You animal :ko: 30% less though? Awesome!


vapor junkie
Staff member
Purple-Days said:
Wow, ear to ear smiles at our house... :D
We are on 'Cloud 9', you folks are wonderful, Thanks again
Likewise :)


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days wrote:
Wow, ear to ear smiles at our house...
We are on 'Cloud 9', you folks are wonderful, Thanks again
wow that is awesome you guys have created something amazing and are now reaping the benifits of your hard work.. congrats...my wife loves the look of the pd and has asked for one for the holidays.and i cant wait to get it for her... she is interested in trying tobacy with hers to help her quit...


vapor junkie
Staff member
she is interested in trying tobacy with hers to help her quit.
Honestly this vape reminds me a lot of smoking cigarettes or joints on a tactical level. The size and shape of the tube which can be held like a little cigarillo, the cigarette-puff-draws and 'ashing' out the spent tobacco. Probably a really good fit for that purpose.

I was going to say, 'won't be any tobacco in mine' but the vapor tubes are the only thing that contact the vapor and are quite easy to clean. Just make sure you use some good organic tobacco.


Well-Known Member
vtac said:
she is interested in trying tobacy with hers to help her quit.
Honestly this vape reminds me a lot of smoking cigarettes or joints on a tactical level. The size and shape of the tube which can be held like a little cigarillo, the cigarette-puff-draws and 'ashing' out the spent tobacco. Probably a really good fit for that purpose.

I was going to say, 'won't be any tobacco in mine' but the vapor tubes are the only thing that contact the vapor and are quite easy to clean. Just make sure you use some good organic tobacco.
yeah i will have to order extra tubes if i can cause i aint down with no baccy. i had my share,,but i will deffinately be looking for some good organic stuff for her....man the crap they put in those prerolls... i will do anything if she would just stop smoking those...yuck...


vapor junkie
Staff member
Question for Tom,

How often do you recommend a coat of buzz butter? Which smells amazing btw and I'm very tempted to eat some, especially knowing the ingredients.

Thin coat, wipe away, buff. Should you do it when the unit is hot? Or any tips.

I love that bee
we should add it as :buzz: :D


Well-Known Member
We like the smell of Buzz-Butter too.

Bee-keeper Roy has a neat story. I feel lucky to have found him.
The box of wax we got from him has a beautiful scent. We blend the Buzz-Butter at just above melting so it keeps that wonderful odor.

How often? Well, it's not needed often but if the unit gets dirty or scuffed wipe some on and buff out. Just don't get it on the heat exchanger it will give a funky odor. Buzz-Butter while the unit is warm and it spreads easy. And it works well on that leather bottom too. (room temp works fine)

How often? My beat up old cherry unit rarely sees the stuff. Pammy likes to slick her's up pretty often. So it's personal choice.

Here's a pic of the latest addition to the family. East Indian Rosewood, Bocote and Cocobolo scraps. Extra small for Pam's grip.

Hope to build a PD for you someday, voporay. Extra tubes are an easy add on, just e-mail us. I tried a tobacco load once and that was enough, yuk.

Questions, comments and suggestions always welcome and appreciated,


vapor junkie
Staff member
Purple-Days said:
East Indian Rosewood, Bocote and Cocobolo scraps. Extra small for Pam's grip.

Would love to see some daylight shots of that. So you glued scraps together and then re turned it? I guess that's the crash test cherry beside, still alive... haha.

Cool story on Beekeeper Roy, Old World methods, I like that. Hope his bees are ok with the craziness lately.

Mmmm the buzz butter goes on like butter, smells so good melted into the warm PD, aromatherapy indeed. Nice mellow finish, I'm happy.

:buzz::buzz::buzz: :buzz: :buzz: :buzz::buzz::buzz:
:buzz: :buzz::buzz::buzz: :buzz:
:buzz: :buzz: :buzz: :buzz::buzz::buzz:


vapor junkie
Staff member
Purple-Days said:
Might have to joint the group someday. Oops freudian typo... Cushions and carpets and mellow vibes. I dig it.
You should trade a vape with Steve/7th floor, I bet you'd both be impressed. :)

Seriously, I'd put money on it.


Well-Known Member
Yes, glued and re-turned. When I make units I leave the blocks a little long and turn them to cylinders. Once round I cut them to length squaring the ends. Little disks of scrap are left. I've made a couple of nice little tea-candle holders for Pam, but there's not much else you can use them for. Had a stack of scrap sitting there and one day thought, hey... rubber bands and glue and it started to look pretty cool.

Yep, that's the crash test unit to the left. At some point I gave it a very light sanding to get rid of the worst rough edges left by the truck and gravel, then Buzz-Buttered it. Not sure how many times it has hit the hardwood floor (from the dining table) since the crash testing, at least twice in the last week, but it's still working fine . ;) It's so ugly compared to the nice virgin units. But, I'm attached to it. After all it's been through I would feel guilty about replacing it for a shiny new model. :cool:

Eating Buzz-Butter (BB)? Not me, but sure it's pure. And of course I prepare it like food for the table, actually more like canning.

I've seen a couple of folks use it for lip balm un winter, not that I think it's good for that. I would reformulate and use some lower melting point ingredients for that pirpose.

I did some pretty extensive reading while developing BB. It was all so interesting. I got some insight into the cosmetics and food industries and some of their main natural ingredients (waxes and plant/animal oils). Anybody want a barrel of Antarctic Krill Oil, I know where to get it.

And a bit of a look into Bees, honey, wax and pollen, That's an interesting field. :buzz:
Check this guy out. http://www.worldbees.com/en/index.htm

VTAC, I'm sure I would be impressed with a SSV (design, function, construction and materials). But a whip vape just isn't for us. I can certainly see it's place, but not on my desk.


Out to lunch
I think the crash test unit looks great considering what it's been through. And the scrap vape, WOW! Super cool and UNIQUE! :tup:


lurking kiwi
I know the PD is hardy but I look after mine like a kid with a new toy. It has these little dark knotty bits in the grain ... and I'm sure if you lined up 10 cherry units in a row I could pick mine out in a second.



Out to lunch
vaporcloud said:
I know the PD is hardy but I look after mine like a kid with a new toy. It has these little dark knotty bits in the grain ... and I'm sure if you lined up 10 cherry units in a row I could pick mine out in a second.

Yeah, me too. I avoid all contact with other hard objects. And the fact that every one looks a little different makes you feel like you've got 'one of a kind'.

vtac said:
The draw speed and bowl pack technique (you learn fast not to pack it too tight), seemed to come naturally with vapor on the first hit. So far my favorite has been drawing on the stem like taking a drag from a cigarette. That is, using suction from your mouth, not inhaling with your lungs.
I find myself using the 'mouth draw' when the bowl is almost finished off. It seems to be more efficient for getting the last little bit of vapor.


lurking kiwi
I find myself using the 'mouth draw' when the bowl is almost finished off. It seems to be more efficient for getting the last little bit of vapor.
I kinda do a little bit of both. Generally its a continuous slow draw with a few mouth sucks to help pull the warm air through the whole bowl. If I draw at just the right slowness there is a small whistling sound like a draft under a door.


vapor junkie
Staff member
max said:
vaporcloud said:
I know the PD is hardy but I look after mine like a kid with a new toy. It has these little dark knotty bits in the grain ... and I'm sure if you lined up 10 cherry units in a row I could pick mine out in a second.

Yeah, me too. I avoid all contact with other hard objects. And the fact that every one looks a little different makes you feel like you've got 'one of a kind'.
I made my friend wash his greasy hands before touching my CJ. She is naked after all. :D


lurking kiwi
She is naked after all.
Yes but no one notices. This thing is so stealth it cracks me up. Had a sales person thru my house today and she walked right past the PD ... even looked at it. I think there was tee tree oil diffusing at the time :brow:


Well-Known Member
Stealth :cool: not every vape can pass that test.

A new friend and PD customer asked me about pollen and wondered if I had any ideas. So I shared my secret and thought others might like to use the same thing.

Stainless steel screen to fit any wide mouth canning jar (quarts work great), toss in a light chain or necklace to speed things up a little and shake over a clean plate. Great pore size for turning trim into tasty stuff.
Shakey Screens

And some visitors have liked our Billy Bowls too,

That's some of Pammy's agate and jade pebble collection.

So I put together a Purple-Days accessories page.


Out to lunch
Really nice Tom. :tup: I especially like the Western Maple. No surprise there huh? ;)


Vapor concierge
Love the billybowls and the holder, Tom...classy. You are taking my hobby to new heights!

Cool pics vtac.


Well-Known Member
hey tom when i order my wifes for christmas can i get the vap, the bowl and the holder all out of the same wood.... kinda like a desk set...... if i can that is gonna be awesome.. just got the extreme yesterday and i am in love so i knowa pd is gonna be a must for the little lady.. who loves the extreme but has all ready expressed the fact that it is a contraption .where as the pd is more of a convieniance..
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