Why not call him out on it on his live IG right now?
Just announced FadeSpace Vaporizer early 2020

Mobile rig of some sorts... lol
I will never buy a vaporizer from a company that argues with its customers and blames them for the issues they have.
Holy shit, affordable rebuildable atty's, increased temp bandwidth Dr Dabber style, a new v2 atty on the horizon, and ruby/sic inserts available? Sounds a LOT better to me these days... although still a bit confused on the ruby and SiC dishes... some love 'em and some hate 'em?
Im not sure about the ruby and SiC or how they are made but at least from Glass and Quartz I know there are too many variables. They are usually made by hand or on a lathe (still with a person making them) The bottoms arent always perfectly flat or level and when they cut the tops they are also not always cut perfectly flat and/or level. This causes the dish to not sit perfectly flat on the heater. That and the thickness of the insert are the two main issues imo. So even if you get an insert that you love from a company chances are when you go to replace it, it will not work exactly the same as your old one...
The dishes really need to be machined with a computer and laser and IMO the bevel on the bottom of the insert is necessary for proper seating and heating that none of these aftermarket dishes have at least that ive seen
It's not going to compare with a plug-in enail, or a big ass torch.
I think it actually compares pretty well. I have expensive glass rigs, Fresh Quartz bangers, and an Enail with both Sic And sapphire dishes. I havent used my banger or torch in a year (its actually still brand new from when i bought it last year) And ive maybe used my enail
a handful of times in the last year.
That and going through 3 atomizers with daily heavy use as opposed to having to buy new bangers and butane all the time I def saved some money too.
I like low temp tasty dabs though using bangers, enails or the peak, not sure if thats why the peak has completely taken over my use.
Also, if you have high quality solventless full melt hash the ceramic dishes are the best. Its soo much easier to clean up than a banger and doesnt ruin your after a few dabs
Quartz shouldn't even be an upgrade you have to buy seperately when the device is $400.
Look at all the different professional companies making quartz Inserts Evan Shore, Joel Halen, Eternal Quartz, Fade Space and a ton of others. All of the feedback from these inserts and companies have been hit or miss some work others dont some sit great others dont etc. I think it was smart of puffco to not include a quartz insert otherwise it would
just be another thing everyone would hate on and complain about to puffco. Theres no winning really