I know someone was asking about the ebay rigs, found someone on reddit raging one here
Seems pretty good for the price honestly, but not stoked on the design myself.
@Mynameismud - EQ has impeccable quality if you feel like dealing with the purgatory that is their CS.
Their marble cap is awesome, not gonna lie.
Not 100% stoked on their insert, but it's the ONLY aftermarket insert that works as good or better than the stock ceramic imo and I have tried I think 4 others.
Here's the EQ insert filled with rubies I got from EQ next to a GreekGlass insert I sold the same day I got it.
Yeah like the fused bottoms opaque are more uniform than normal quartz inserts just because the way they are made.
I tried 4 inserts from them already also 2 of the original ones before i got the fad space inserts and then 2 of the thicker ones, there were no opaque ones then.
Wasnt a fan of EQ either they had the same issues the fade space did. inconsistant between two of the same style inserts. Maybe im just unlucky or maybe i ordered them too early before they got them down. Regardless, Im done messing around and wasting my money when the ceramic works and tastes good enough for me