
IG: sunyata.woods
Accessory Maker
I bought one earlier this year and then sold it off after it ending in a drawer for a few months with me quietly resenting it. I just feels like a cheap drill, the vapour is impressive and tasty and all but lacks efficiency to a shocking degree, the temp dial is pretty wild too and somehow I managed to burn myself on the thing a couple of times trying to take the tip off. Ultimately my own mistake, I'm a sucker for wooden and butane vapes and this was a venture out of that safe bubble but I'm smack back in that bubble :rolleyes::horse::myday:

I get that this is exactly what some people are looking for, and it seemed well made and all, but I couldn't get into it


Well-Known Member
Have been using the plenty a few times a week for about 3 weeks or so now. Just yesterday did a few loads in the chamber reducer for the first time, using the dosing capsule one time, just herb in the reducer 3 times, and herb and the mini concentrate pad 3 times as well. I am honestly really impressed by the plentys performance with smaller loads! Each style produced really good results for about 10 minute sessions. For the record the chamber reducer was used for the first time yesterday and multiple times that evening and throughout the day today. I would not have been able to handle that many bowls in a day.

Fully loaded we have been able to keep vapor coming for nearly an hour during movies and whatnot. I really like this device and feel like it might be Storz and Bickels only fairly priced device. After seeing a breakdown of the mighty(on reddit) and watching the volcano essentially stay at the same msrp for over a decade....the plenty is a great deal. I am not bothered at all by the "cheap" materials as they seem durable enough and easy to maintain. The unit has not been able to burn me despite my best efforts(my flowerpot will kiss my arm about once every 6 months and remind me to be careful-not an issue with the plenty at all). The dead man switch handle is honestly appreciated in my house as the plenty gets used on the couch for the most part.

Cleaning the screens and chambers has been much easier than I had prepared for. I have not yet cleaned the cooling coil and could see that being a bit tricky as I am hoping to get stem milk from it. Guess I will need a fairly small but deep pan to boil the milk in while submerging the coil.

Genuinely impressed with this one. It is far far more efficient than it gets credit for, each load has been evenly vaped and is consistent throughout with no exceptions whatsoever. Stock the chamber is large so yes you must use a large amount of material or use the concentrate pad. The chamber reducer works! I would estimate with the chamber reducer I am using about the same amount as I would in the solo or sticky brick maxx or flowerpot etc. Smooth, cool, flavorful vapor each time. The vapor does have a "taste" to it though-not sure what the deal is there. It tastes good but kind of "sharp", might be the plastic or metal in the coil. I have cleaned and burned off everything and am not worried about anything whatsoever but it does have a unique flavor profile.

In short this thing to me is basically a Ronco easybake oven. Set it and forget it, no stirring and no fussing around. It is not exact or precise but the results are fantastic. This is now our permanent living room/couch vape, flowerpot is in my mancave, extreme q in the bedroom for bags in bed, and everyone else gets well deserved rest. I need to get rid of the combustion stank I accidentally put in my SB Maxx after forgetting I had taken the intake reducer out(burned the HELL out of a bowl like a dummy) but otherwise I think for a few months my VAS will get some time off.

It has gotten me interested in a volcano eventually but I really doubt I will appreciate the difference between the Q and the volcano. My better half does all the work with the bags so the reduced heat up time and other perks of the cano would probably not really register with me.

Cheers ya'll and happy Halloween!


Well-Known Member
I put that down to the S/S coil, one reason I swapped to a JHook.
When the VAS flares back up I will likely try a Jhook out, thank you for the advice! Be easier to get stem milk from as well. Have you noticed harsher/hotter vapor from the hook compared to the coil?
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Company Rep
Have you noticed harsher/hotter vapor from the hook compared to the coil?
Being able to see how much vapor you are sucking in helped me stop barking as much and I use a large Jhook so all the glass seems to work just fine.
18mm for me, well worth US$15,
And some 14 to 18mm male GonG adapters to slip into the black housing instead of the S/S whip (these also make a great Vapcap wpa)
even female angled adapters work and are supposed to help with directing the heat away from the Plenty while inverted on a bong (I don't use it anymore, jhook only now)
The jhook can also mount directly on the black housing but I like the adapter setup for quick hook cleans without full disassembly.


Well-Known Member
Have been using the plenty a few times a week for about 3 weeks or so now. Just yesterday did a few loads in the chamber reducer for the first time, using the dosing capsule one time, just herb in the reducer 3 times, and herb and the mini concentrate pad 3 times as well. I am honestly really impressed by the plentys performance with smaller loads! Each style produced really good results for about 10 minute sessions. For the record the chamber reducer was used for the first time yesterday and multiple times that evening and throughout the day today. I would not have been able to handle that many bowls in a day.

Fully loaded we have been able to keep vapor coming for nearly an hour during movies and whatnot. I really like this device and feel like it might be Storz and Bickels only fairly priced device. After seeing a breakdown of the mighty(on reddit) and watching the volcano essentially stay at the same msrp for over a decade....the plenty is a great deal. I am not bothered at all by the "cheap" materials as they seem durable enough and easy to maintain. The unit has not been able to burn me despite my best efforts(my flowerpot will kiss my arm about once every 6 months and remind me to be careful-not an issue with the plenty at all). The dead man switch handle is honestly appreciated in my house as the plenty gets used on the couch for the most part.

Cleaning the screens and chambers has been much easier than I had prepared for. I have not yet cleaned the cooling coil and could see that being a bit tricky as I am hoping to get stem milk from it. Guess I will need a fairly small but deep pan to boil the milk in while submerging the coil.

Genuinely impressed with this one. It is far far more efficient than it gets credit for, each load has been evenly vaped and is consistent throughout with no exceptions whatsoever. Stock the chamber is large so yes you must use a large amount of material or use the concentrate pad. The chamber reducer works! I would estimate with the chamber reducer I am using about the same amount as I would in the solo or sticky brick maxx or flowerpot etc. Smooth, cool, flavorful vapor each time. The vapor does have a "taste" to it though-not sure what the deal is there. It tastes good but kind of "sharp", might be the plastic or metal in the coil. I have cleaned and burned off everything and am not worried about anything whatsoever but it does have a unique flavor profile.

In short this thing to me is basically a Ronco easybake oven. Set it and forget it, no stirring and no fussing around. It is not exact or precise but the results are fantastic. This is now our permanent living room/couch vape, flowerpot is in my mancave, extreme q in the bedroom for bags in bed, and everyone else gets well deserved rest. I need to get rid of the combustion stank I accidentally put in my SB Maxx after forgetting I had taken the intake reducer out(burned the HELL out of a bowl like a dummy) but otherwise I think for a few months my VAS will get some time off.

It has gotten me interested in a volcano eventually but I really doubt I will appreciate the difference between the Q and the volcano. My better half does all the work with the bags so the reduced heat up time and other perks of the cano would probably not really register with me.

Cheers ya'll and happy Halloween!
I wouldn't try the stem milk with Plenty's coil. If some residue of milk stays inside, and it will, you'll end up with nasty rancid milk flavors.

I don't own a Q but the general consensus is that Volcano's bags are a big improvement over Q's: valve system prevents vapor to leak out and it takes way less time to fill one. But I agree that it probably doesn't justify the cost if you already have a Q.
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Well-Known Member
For deep cleaning you can just boil the Plenty coil in hot water. After a couple of water changes even the sticky resin film comes out/off the coil. Don't know about milk but I can't see it adhering to the coil any harder than resin.


Educator/Cannabis Evangelist
Your device is working normally, it is analog so not very precise. When the load is getting finished I will wait until the orange heater indicator light turns off before puffing to squeeze the last bits out of a load (I start and finish on 7 as it is impossible to combust with this device)
The trigger is a timer reset safety switch and does not control the heater cycling, I use a rubber band on mine as I find it annoying to have to keep pulling the trigger.
S&B CS is hit or miss at best, some fan boys will say they are great...I have not found this to be true.
Nor I. Service requires infinite patience.


Well-Known Member
do you guys remember the mess regarding the metal shavings and aluminum dust in the volcano hybrid? Because my Plenty is doing the same things, scarring the metal and leaving residue from the damage. I know they found a fix for the volcano hybrid but was this ever addressed with the plenty?

We are seeing gouges and scratches in the metal. We are able to lift shiny metallic dust from the chamber with a q tip. Something is wrong and I don't feel super comfortable using the Plenty anymore. We have never tightened the pieces together anymore that thumb strength/within reason (I repair mechanical devices for a living, I have never cranked this fucker down too tight, I understand how it functions) and it is producing metal shavings within the air path.

I see the newer hybrid volcano units have what looks to be a form of silicone/plastic on the heater rings to address this. I am not seeing an update to the Plenty.

Thoughts? What do I do?

I'm from Oklahoma where most of us still somehow believe Covid is a hoax. The symptoms my Plenty is showing worry me, like sincerely. This is kind of fucked up and in no way safe to use. Morons around here(Oklahoma) don't care about a virus because they cannot see it. I can see this. I can see what we are inhaling and can see that it is in no way safe to use.

This really sucks as the Plenty was climbing the ladder of my GOATS list of vaporizers. For our use it has been the go to device and passed the "grab test" Jerry "Stickstones" correctly mentions. This was our jam. Now I am not comfortable with the device at all. If I worked in a foundry all day I might ignore this knowing I was inhaling dangerous shit daily, but I don't and the reason we chose to vape over combust is solely due to health concerns. Not good.


Well-Known Member
well I did the least logical thing I could given my concerns. I bought a volcano hybrid. Decided I did not want to be without a plenty-like experience and figured this would be the best bet. Plus the vapbong I am after is sold out in the color I want so here we are!


Well-Known Member
I bought a volcano hybrid. Decided I did not want to be without a plenty-like experience and figured this would be the best bet
Keepin it in the S&B family, I see

You will be amazed at the Hybrid's brief warmup, it beats their portables

I'm a years-old repetitive nag about being careful with those plastic housing tabs, and I must sound like an obsessive nut. I get that a lot. The Hybrid borrowed many chamber design features from the Plenty. They did improve the height of the chamber reducer's rim, which better meets with the upper screen. The Plenty's reducer suffers here, and why I was forced to "nipple" the upper screen for better contact/seal

I've seen posts in Hybrid thread about cleaning chamber with a cotton swab after use, while it's still hot. NO !! Please do not exert any downward force on the chamber while it's in the plastic housing. (Even after I've been aware of this, I've still used a swab to press/sweep the chamber's rim, and DOH, snap goes a tab, especially when warm)

And, for those users with a reducer, you must understand the direction of chamber removal and insertion. Remove by pressing up from under. Insert by pressing - gently - top down

As soon as even one of those tabs are snapped off, it will get worse, especially with the Hybrid's higher chamber temps. Even one broken tab results in large plastic to metal insert contact, leading to charring and worse apparently, judging by posted pics

Another "issue" is the metal scraping, dust, and fears over inhalation. That's another one I've harped about as a non-issue. I mean, the alleged toxic dust, or alleged toxic melting plastic fumes, are never getting inhaled. An examination of the chamber fitment should allay any inhalation fears, IMO


Well-Known Member
Being able to see how much vapor you are sucking in helped me stop barking as much and I use a large Jhook so all the glass seems to work just fine.
18mm for me, well worth US$15,
And some 14 to 18mm male GonG adapters to slip into the black housing instead of the S/S whip (these also make a great Vapcap wpa)
even female angled adapters work and are supposed to help with directing the heat away from the Plenty while inverted on a bong (I don't use it anymore, jhook only now)
View attachment 3356
The jhook can also mount directly on the black housing but I like the adapter setup for quick hook cleans without full disassembly.
Hey @LesPlenty, I just acquired a 2nd hand Plenty and love this setup. I'm putting together a cart at DH, but U reference a "2pcs-lot-glass-adapter-14-5mm/" adapter. I followed the link you provide and have 3 options: 10mm-10mm, 14mm-14mm, or 14mm-19mm, but nothing that says 14mm-5mm, what am I missing?

And what about that little clip? Where can I find those?


EDIT: I re-read your post and see you said 14-18 just above the link. I assume the 14-19 is the correct one. I haven't yet located the little clips yet though.

EDIT, EDIT: Pretty sure I found the clips too, but to confirm, are you using an 18mm-18mm clip in this pic?

Here's what I'm lookin at:|1:da311cd84d4548a3bea82d7aa22d409e:2
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Well-Known Member
can someone who uses a Plenty clarify something for me.

Can a Plenty be used as a 110/220? Does the wall wart take care of power issues?

I have not had pleasant experiences buying from Europe and shipping from the USA is cheaper than from the UK?
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AKA djelimon, but lost the email
I got rid of the metal spiral and replaced with an xmax v2 pro wpa which fits in the rubber housing. Then a 14 -> 18 mm F2F adapter from DDave mods set, an 18 mm DDave end bit into silicon into the bong (off camera). Stand handmade with GF while baked out of available materials


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Well-Known Member
Former Plenty guy checking in! The Plenty has a special place in my heart as it helped me quit cigarettes.

Is there any word on upgraded chamber materials similar to the Volcano Hybrid? Has anyone figured out a way to prevent the metal in the chamber from scratching so much?

Thank you!!


Well-Known Member
Looking at the way all the parts stack together to form an air path I decided all that was needed was a quick wipe down of the offending surfaces when I was getting ready to use the vape.


Well-Known Member
Looking at the way all the parts stack together to form an air path I decided all that was needed was a quick wipe down of the offending surfaces when I was getting ready to use the vape.

That’s fair. I’m not sure why mine looked so bad. Could be user error but metal on metal contact, something is going to give, no?



That’s fair. I’m not sure why mine looked so bad. Could be user error but metal on metal contact, something is going to give, no?
I think not... at least not during it's normal use... wear and tear won't show up for a long time.
The Plenty is a powerhouse, and well engineered.
Documentation af any excessive wear and tear, due to manufacture assembly will be easily addressed with S&B when and if the time comes.


Well-Known Member
That’s fair. I’m not sure why mine looked so bad. Could be user error but metal on metal contact, something is going to give, no?
For me its all risk assessment and tolerance, I was comfortable with the device before the current scare started and nothing about the device has changed so I am still not afraid. Not saying you are wrong just that we have different viewpoints, assessments and approaches
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