New member here, just read the entire thread. Been into the herb for 42 of my 54 years. Bought an Arizer Solo 18 months ago and loving it still. Bought the Plenty 2 months ago after doing a lot of research for what matters to me.
I'm really into the effect. I'll take bad-tasting high-potency herb over great taste any day. I love a nice taste but it takes a back seat to getting high. I also value efficiency, which seems to be a major topic in this thread.
First what I like about the Plenty:
- cool goofy-looking vape
- dead-man trigger
- long cord
- big bowl
- ease of use
- easy to clean
- short sessions
And what I dislike:
- Can't see temp gauge in the dark
- whip tends to fall out if not careful
A lot of folks seem to dislike how hot it gets, but I have found that I can easily lay it on my chest and it will not burn me through my shirt. Sure, the whip gets hot, but one adjusts. I have not gotten burned yet.
I have not noticed any difference between loading a full bowl and using it over 2-3 days, or just loading up a third of a gram each session using the liquid pad, but I now prefer loading small bowls each day.
As for efficiency, I have to agree with those who say this is a user-controlled thing. Sure, it is easy to load up a gram and suck it all down, but I don't have to do that (although it was fun). If one vapes .2 of a gram in either a Solo or Plenty, I somehow do not think one will be less high using the Plenty. The Plenty session will be much shorter, but in both cases it seems to me that all the good stuff was extracted from the herb and made its way into my bloodstream. I'm not very technical about it, but I would like to hear other opinions on this.
I guess it is possible that the Plenty extracts more than my other vape, so it might mean that my vape poo brownies will be less potent.

When I first got this vape things happened that had not happened in decades, like losing consciousness on the couch and waking up there at 2am. I became a total slug for a little while.
For the rest, I love my Plenty. I don't have a lot of perspective as I only ditched combustion 18 months ago and only have 2 vapes under my belt.