Thanks again everyone and sorry for the delay in responses. We kept waiting to post until we had good news on being able to deliver some goodies, but time is working against us, so we are posting some updates.
The f-Bomb is almost finished. We first want to give a big thanks to stonemonkey55 and VXL who have given us approval to use their patented bottom air entry design on our f-Bomb. We wish to really acknowledge their community spirit and sharing of their patent. Very few other businesses would do that, especially without asking for any kind of re numeration. BIG Thumbs up to VXL.
We designed and started working on the f-Bomb about 10 months ago and have let a few people who specifically emailed us about it know some details about it. The f in f-Bomb originally stood for frit and as our design progressed DG unveiled his patent pending on the utility of it for our purposes. So for now we have had to change the engine unfortunately. We are not sure if DG's patent pending applies to Canada and/or if it is still worth looking into building it with a frit (our frit is completely different than DG's).
Some feedback from the community on whether to frit or not would be great, what do you think about a fritted f-Bomb ?
Before anyone answers that... on our early testing the frit needs to move a lot of air volume to work optimally and since the f-Bomb is primarily designed for use with the Solo, you will really need our PVHEGonG to use it and even then the little Solo heater struggles to keep the heat up. The frit looks good clearing, but add a vape with some restriction to the air flow as most have and then the frit does not seem as great IOO.
The delay in the f-Bomb now is testing different engines. We have a few different engines to try including but not limited to slitted disc, gridded disc, simple showerhead and a very unique special diffusion disk with 100's of laser cut 1mm holes (might provide too much diffusion?). The f-Bomb is about the same diameter as the Solo depending on the final engine design and only about 8" high with a 14mm deewar joint in the bottom, needs very little water, can be laid on its side while filled without leaking and can hold some ice up top. Some of these features may not all be possible depending on the final engine chosen. We won't have accurate pricing either until the final design is chosen, but we really hope to have it be as affordable as possible.
Hi Stu,
Yes we are planning it for sure.
Bob we can't say how much we enjoy your videos, first double nail hits and now double Persei's through a water tool AND a double stacked Persei with a dual cartridge head... DAMN
Thanks for the great explanation jambandphan03, we know they are getting a little confusing, especially with all the choices we have planned.
The PVHEGonG's are highly anticipated and we don't want to disappoint. We are working on getting them made for an affordable price but still the best quality which has not been easy. We will announce more on these in a bit.
Hi vape4life, your post is referring to our new Solo stem storage/travel/cleaning tubes. Yes they are available separately as well as combined with a PVHES straight stem. They will be posted this weekend on our site under Storage, Solo and some other categories as well.
Thanks for the kind words everyone
Hi VapeNStone,
Our apologies for not getting you an answer faster. We will have your adapter next week by special request to have them taken out of the production run early. Having a lot (over 60) of different adapter styles made in multiples actually takes a long time. Little items like these adapters are very low margin for a glassblower to make, so they usually work on them as a time filler between bigger scientific jobs that have higher margins. With all our glass items, we are completely reliant on the glassblower to deliver and it is very frustrating for us to see the days go by with yet again no glass delivery to us as promised. We are not sitting idle waiting either, plans are in place to secure dependable high quality glass on a much faster turn around cycle so we can put the out of stock situations behind us.
Peace and Love,
Any pics of the F bomb and how it works the the solo?? even just a drawing would be cool.
BTW PV, just got my Persei yesterday!! No sig required, seems to be working good so far on the single top, had one sesh w/ a 2.4, and man is this thing kicking up some vapor! Thanks again for the great deal!
The f-Bomb is almost finished. We first want to give a big thanks to stonemonkey55 and VXL who have given us approval to use their patented bottom air entry design on our f-Bomb. We wish to really acknowledge their community spirit and sharing of their patent. Very few other businesses would do that, especially without asking for any kind of re numeration. BIG Thumbs up to VXL.
We designed and started working on the f-Bomb about 10 months ago and have let a few people who specifically emailed us about it know some details about it. The f in f-Bomb originally stood for frit and as our design progressed DG unveiled his patent pending on the utility of it for our purposes. So for now we have had to change the engine unfortunately. We are not sure if DG's patent pending applies to Canada and/or if it is still worth looking into building it with a frit (our frit is completely different than DG's).
Some feedback from the community on whether to frit or not would be great, what do you think about a fritted f-Bomb ?
Before anyone answers that... on our early testing the frit needs to move a lot of air volume to work optimally and since the f-Bomb is primarily designed for use with the Solo, you will really need our PVHEGonG to use it and even then the little Solo heater struggles to keep the heat up. The frit looks good clearing, but add a vape with some restriction to the air flow as most have and then the frit does not seem as great IOO.
The delay in the f-Bomb now is testing different engines. We have a few different engines to try including but not limited to slitted disc, gridded disc, simple showerhead and a very unique special diffusion disk with 100's of laser cut 1mm holes (might provide too much diffusion?). The f-Bomb is about the same diameter as the Solo depending on the final engine design and only about 8" high with a 14mm deewar joint in the bottom, needs very little water, can be laid on its side while filled without leaking and can hold some ice up top. Some of these features may not all be possible depending on the final engine chosen. We won't have accurate pricing either until the final design is chosen, but we really hope to have it be as affordable as possible.
Will the signature edition be available in GonG?
Hi Stu,
Yes we are planning it for sure.
got that second persei yesterday. way too hung over from the previous evening's celebrations for my girl's bday to pull it out, but here we go! as promised Duelin' w/ Dual Persei w/ Dual carts. thanks to planetvape for the Y adapter. AND... the chrome persei on sale!
wanna my new persei stacked on my old one? go to the youtube description for a how to
Bob we can't say how much we enjoy your videos, first double nail hits and now double Persei's through a water tool AND a double stacked Persei with a dual cartridge head... DAMN
Yeah, they have the regular stock stem style GonG stems, that are just like the stock stem, only w/ the GonG attachment (flat on the end of bowl, no air vents) which are on the site now.
The PVHES GonG has the air channels, and slits cut around the edge of the bowl, so more air can get in, giving much easier air flow, much less restricted. Those are the ones we are waiting for.
Thanks for the great explanation jambandphan03, we know they are getting a little confusing, especially with all the choices we have planned.
The PVHEGonG's are highly anticipated and we don't want to disappoint. We are working on getting them made for an affordable price but still the best quality which has not been easy. We will announce more on these in a bit.
Are they sold separately as well?
Hi vape4life, your post is referring to our new Solo stem storage/travel/cleaning tubes. Yes they are available separately as well as combined with a PVHES straight stem. They will be posted this weekend on our site under Storage, Solo and some other categories as well.
Yes... PVHES gets a bigger cloud, due to improved flow of air
I placed an order day before yesterday and had it in my hand in less than 48 hours. Thanks for the good product and great service. And the inclusion if a free bag of munches made me laugh out loud. Came in handy too . Thanks so much! You may become my main supplier.
Yeah ... I love PV! They've been great so far with everything I've ordered. (And the Doritos are a nice added bonus!)
Thanks for the kind words everyone
So??????????????????? When the hell are these Female/female adapters coming out? I have asked at least 5 times with not even one reply from PV to any idea of when?
Hi VapeNStone,
Our apologies for not getting you an answer faster. We will have your adapter next week by special request to have them taken out of the production run early. Having a lot (over 60) of different adapter styles made in multiples actually takes a long time. Little items like these adapters are very low margin for a glassblower to make, so they usually work on them as a time filler between bigger scientific jobs that have higher margins. With all our glass items, we are completely reliant on the glassblower to deliver and it is very frustrating for us to see the days go by with yet again no glass delivery to us as promised. We are not sitting idle waiting either, plans are in place to secure dependable high quality glass on a much faster turn around cycle so we can put the out of stock situations behind us.
Peace and Love,