What species is that, looks a little like Huon pine?
That long slender style with the taper at the end is one of my favorites, and that's saying something cause the twists are out of this world!@Mr. Me2 I've not drank tea/coffee for 35 years that's just how fast I work. The Phlash
Videos need to be a minute long for Instagram and you'd soon get bored of watching some of them at the proper speed.
@Padriano posted a picture of his Bimblebox Burl stem and a really nice @Aezhenn case on IG the other day which reminded me how much better they look twisted.
Mr. Me2 real time for you.
Wax really makes this wood come to life.
I don’t even know what those are used for, but they look beautiful. (Mini Darth Vader wig holder?)@almostthere A long way off, I'll reveal all once I've got one turned.
Hope things take a turn for the better @Diggy Smalls.
So far the only vongs available have been stubby looking and I understand why.
I followed suit and stuck with DV sizes.
Then I got bored of that idea.
To be fair I didn't think they'd attract the attention they have and I'll be doing some more.
Forgot to add these pictures
Amboyna Burr
You’re looking out for your customers and offering them only the best is very evident in your attitude and your business. Amazing! I love businesses like yours.The Yew IH goes out to a customer along with this stem.
They asked for a lidded green acrylic piece and I put a blank to one side for them.
Then this blank appeared and the original got put back in the draw.
That is one beautiful crazy looking stem, I love the comboThe Bocote open twist got a Springfields green mesh acrylic over the SS condenser. The two go really nicely together.