Wow, loving all the new stuff as always, especially the honeybee and blackwood! so prettyyyyy.... It's obvious that there is so much creativity and love going into these.

the stems are not in the vapor path so they should be safe IMO. In fact I ordered an acrylic stem from Phattpiggie.@phattpiggie are the plastic stems safe to vaporise through? They look awesome.
the longer stems are, I believe around 4" long. They will not fit into a Dynastash. However, he does make bodies and stems that fit the Dynavap condensers and therefore will fit either the Dynastash or Dynastash XL. if you order one of these make sure to let him know that they need to fit a stash so that the width does not exceed 14mm, the max diameter for a stash.Also, do your stems, like the Blackwood and aluminium one I like, fit inside the dynastash?
all the stems have condensers. The longer stems have a built in condenser and the others fit onto a Dynavap condenser.Also, why don't you use a condenser inside your stems? What is the purpose of a condenser?
@lemmeadem I think I follow you.
How about a separate wong with a smaller hole to accept the stem.
The threads I use are very fine, if you cross threaded a MP or wong it would be ruined so better to go for a drop in option.
I posted about this in the VC thread but waited until I'd got a couple of things done and had a bit of feedback on how I'm going to organise the next round of orders.
150mm stem with a full length condenser.
The SS is 4mm with a 0.3mm wall, it does not come out but it will clean better than the all wood vapor path.
No idea on the wood species and other shapes are on the cards.
Another 62mm piece this time I've tried out the condenser idea, no reclaim messing up the wood.
Zebrano Twist.
Not everything I'll be doing this time is VC related and a couple of things will need more work than others, research and trial of ideas.
Some things haven't even landed at my door yet and they'll be dealt with as and when.
Please hang in there and be patient, I am not giving any one estimated times as I have no idea what's coming.
We'll keep good communications going on between us so everyone is well informed as to how their order progresses.
As you've all seen if I've got an itch it gets scratched and I show you all what's caught my attention.
This has lead to a bit of chopping, changing or adding to orders, which is fair enough and I have been happy to accommodate.
It's also lead to a bit of a delay in the proceedings and this time around I will have to ask people to have some kind of final decision(s). Means I can plan ahead a little and try and keep some flow to the whole thing.
If you want anything other than the ideas I've tried out then the more info the better, fotos, links, CAD and hand drawn sketches are all very much welcomed.
These two places have a good selection of woods, etc and I'll use them first for any materials.
More than happy to try and source anything elsewhere if necessary.
Your place on the next list is all dependent on when we first started our conversation.
I will 'leave' all conversations in my inbox, this clears everything on my side.
Your inbox will still show the conversation we've had.
If you then get back to me using the original, not new, conversation the whole thing will open again.
It's important to use the original as the date it started will relate to your placing.
Please let me know if you've any thoughts on the matter.
I will let you know when I intend on setting the ball rolling so save any messages until then and please have a think as to what you'd like.
I've got screenshots as a backup.
I'll link this post as many times as possible before hand.
Hahaha! You're not the only one... I've been looking at lathes as well.I've actually been looking at pen lathes recently as I'm inspired by your work
HA!Sorry folks I posted the same picture twice.
After a lot of thought I've decided maybe VC stems just don't have the mass appeal I was hoping for and the old timers at the local Woodturning Show have got it right.
Perhaps I should just follow the herd and stick with the good old tried and tested ideas they all seem to be turning.
After all they know best.
Steamed Pear Honey Dipper.
I was never one of those Sheeple before and I'm sure as shit not going to be one now.