Well-Known Member
"Common interests, different cultures thousands of miles apart"
Yo homie , I love that !! If only more people in the world saw those common interests , the world would be a better place . Brothers from other mothers . Oddisee is dope . Definitely one of my favorite current emcees . So I've had an idea rattling around in my head since I got my first vapcap and it seemed impossible until recently with the @Pipes induction heater and a recent post by @grokit in the vapcap thread .
@grokit posted this pic ...
And I said to myself , why can't I have a wizard pipe vapcap ?? Something in this vein .
Or maybe a mini version like this..
I figure if anyone could make this happen or shoot it down as an impossibility , @phattpiggie would be my man . I'm curious about your thoughts on this .
Yo homie , I love that !! If only more people in the world saw those common interests , the world would be a better place . Brothers from other mothers . Oddisee is dope . Definitely one of my favorite current emcees . So I've had an idea rattling around in my head since I got my first vapcap and it seemed impossible until recently with the @Pipes induction heater and a recent post by @grokit in the vapcap thread .
@grokit posted this pic ...

And I said to myself , why can't I have a wizard pipe vapcap ?? Something in this vein .

Or maybe a mini version like this..

I figure if anyone could make this happen or shoot it down as an impossibility , @phattpiggie would be my man . I'm curious about your thoughts on this .