No problem. Get it off your chest. Appreciate your inputAfter owning this thing for awhile I have to say it is a huge letdown. Once the initial cool factor wears off you realize it is not nearly as conservative as a magic flight and not even all that much easier to use. Especially with that stupid fucking piece of shit mouth piece. Sorry I got so excited. I feel really bad if my opinion influenced anyone to buy one of this piles of junk. The construction is appalling and the over all experience leaves much to be desired. This is just my two cents please treat it as such.
please tell what your using in this vid. thnxAn excellent pairing.
I wrap a pair of headphones with the plug cut off round it and then put it in a large headphones case. Have taken it into concerts and clubs with metal detectors and thorough searches and no one's even do you guys go about bringing your pax to a concert or event? brought mine to a met game / nas concert last night and had no problems through a security metal detector wand, but was thinking how i'd go about it if i was questioned. mp3 player? tobacco vaporizer? also, actually using it around a large group of people in stealth.. turning it on in your pocket and then going for it? it reaks pretty good when you turn it on.. but actually vaping i didn't notice anyone turning their heads.
After owning this thing for awhile I have to say it is a huge letdown. Once the initial cool factor wears off you realize it is not nearly as conservative as a magic flight and not even all that much easier to use. Especially with that stupid fucking piece of shit mouth piece. Sorry I got so excited. I feel really bad if my opinion influenced anyone to buy one of this piles of junk. The construction is appalling and the over all experience leaves much to be desired. This is just my two cents please treat it as such.
Well like homeboy said get it off your chest. But what is the part of the mouthpiece that is stupid and a piece of shit? When I first got it, I was kind of like whatever, it is ok I want to like it. But I have learned to love the fuck out of this thing. It is just so convenient and easy to use. I am not sure what it leaves to be desired. As far as all of the portables I have used it is by far the best and easiest experience. I am not sure how a MFLP is easier. Hand a MFLB to a newb and they will not get a hit. Hand a PAX to a newb hits galore.
Many of us experience a high failure rate with the mouthpiece. So many that Ploom slightly modified the mouthpiece? They regularly do replacements etc...
The mouthpiece is also located near the charging pins, which many of us PAX owners have realized results in a PAX that not only has a stick mouthpiece, but stops charging.
Essentially the flaws in the moving mouthpiece design can (but don't always) cause complete failure... i.e. bricking of the PAX.
Obviously many PAX owners have no issues. I've had 2 mouthpiece failures, and now it won't charge. Need to do another CS session with Ploom to resolve.
I also don't care that you hate the thing. . .
I never said I did. Restating that all electronics have a % of failures is not new information.
Also, blaming the users/consumers because they are "power users" and "hard on their equipment" or "quick to complain" is pretty dickish.
No one stated that there are valid scientific studies linking forum complaints to %failures of any particular electronics device.
However your statement that
"this unit is no more problematic than any device out there."
is absolute horseshit.
Really. I also own a WISPR. There was mad bitching about that. Never had a problem with mine either. The complaints about having to clean the thing are idiotic. No device for consuming herb/oil/etc does not require cleaning for good taste, working properly etc.
It is no more problematic than any exalted device and it is a lot less problematic than some of the POS's that fall apart immediately. So there is that.
Like I said I don't really care if you don't like it I just don't think we should use this forum to scare folks away from an awesome product. I wasn't blaming users. I am just saying clean the fucking thing, lube it. Use it responsibly. And there is nothing dickish saying that the forum is filled with complaints. Take a look around bro. Read some of these threads any thread. I thought it was generally accepted that the rate of complaints in this forum doesn't equate to real life percentages. Far fewer people come here to praise their device than come here looking for help with a problem. Don't take it so personal.
Now excuse me while i take my small, stealthy, perfectly working Pax outside and get roasted.
You DO know that Ploom just came out with a Car Charger, correct?A car charger! thats what ill try to design and print! i never designed anything before with solidworks so this will be a challenge. ill try to get the pax ploom logo printed in there too.i already have an extra base station and a car adapter so ill see what i can sketch up with that.
yeah def works in a pinch, people shouldnt think they need a grinder, once it dries up you can just crush it into dust anywhoo. Jason Lee? Are you a fan of his work or what![]()
im having a problem with my vape
turning it on i get the LED lights flashing blue like it is on stand by mode even tho i just turned it on
i then have to close the mouth piece and then try again one or two more times for the blue light to go away, and i also have to slightly hold the mouth piece down other wise it thinks the mouth piece is up and out for temp change.
anyone else experiencing the same kind of problem>