This is my second empty pod. I broke the first, trying to imitate a youtube video. The second one I took the advise of @DMPesso, and i'm filling the empty through the mouthpiece, past a rubber stopper. I'll let you know how that works.
Works Great!
Glad to see it worked for you! I honestly wouldn’t even bother refilling a pod anymore, they just aren’t that reliable. So many of them have leaked on me unless I baby them and don’t take back to back hits or if the oil is particularly thick like the brand level, those barely leaked. The newer CCELL carts are still MUCH more reliable and give bigger consistent hits. I only like the era for convenience, discreetness (people think it’s a Juul) and variety of brands. I wish I could get good winterized oil in syringes because that Rubi from Kandy pens looks like a better version of the era.
I have been told the reason it doesn’t work as well making your own is because the oil needs to be winterized aka dewaxed. That’s why most companies use winterized co2 or distillates with added cannabis terps.Yeah, I wanted to know about how well this works too with the Era.
I bought EJ mix and syringes awhile back, mixed it with wax, filled up a JUUL pod, it worked. It required an additional draw to get going though. Certainly wasn’t anywhere near as potent as the Era. Clogged up after about a week. Wouldn’t wick anymore. The Era though is designed for those oils so I think you’d have much better success.
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