Pakalolo, I have found your review of the pax informative and it makes me really want to buy one, but where does it rank in your portable Vape experience?
@pakalolo : then may I ask you at least if it beats, taste-wise, my current favorite the Ascent? Also I know you love low temps like me, do you feel satisfyed in that regard with the Pax2?
I tried that- the problem then is that you have only a quick buzz to tell you when you are at temp, and if you miss it, you have no way of knowing where you are! I can't live blindly with just a buzz. I know "look at your phone!" Anyway, another reason why I'm going to get the Pax 2Turn the LED off using the craft app.
Hi, was wondering in your limited experience (its darn new)can this achieve dense hard hitting clouds, or even close?
Cool, thanks for feedback. I am pleased with my mighty as a home unit. I grind my dry flower finely and tamp it with a partial oil pad on top and vape at 205 to 210 c. Think it can come anywhere near that dense? If so I am down for this as my portable.
thanks for the great info pakaloloI remember hooking my pax1 up to glass, and getting rich thick hits on the highest temp setting... don't see why that would be much different with pax2, so your description seems on par to what I'd expect. Have you been using the pax2 w/glass at the regular settings, or do you switch it into partymode first?
If by "shutdown timer" you mean when it goes into idle mode from not being moved around, I had that issue with the pax1 when on glass, I just had to tap the pax every few seconds to give it a wilggle and stop the idle mode from taking over.
So are you saying partymode does not stop the oven from cooling down when you don't hit it? Maybe I misread something there...
I'm sure that if you put that mix in a Pax 2 then the vapour will be pretty thick. I'm not in a position to judge it against your Mighty.
To get an idea of a unit's vapour production, I like to hit it through my Orbiter. I can see the vapour and the Orbiter is restricted so I get a constant flow. This isn't a way to get the thickest vapour, but it gives me a reasonably standard hit. At four petals (210°C/410°F) the Pax 2 produces fairly dense vapour in the Orbiter, so I wanted to see how it would do on my WP-010, which is free flow. I used a slightly larger than normal load, .09 g, and for extra cloud production I packed it down. I heated the P2 to four petals.
The volume of the WP-010 with water in is ~300 ml. I think that isn't much compared to some of the glass I've seen on FC but my WP-010 looks to me to have more volume than the ever-popular D-020. At any rate, when I hit it I filled both my lungs and the WP-010 with pretty dense vapour in about 3-4 seconds. Please keep in mind that I'm not much of a lungbuster guy. I rarely try big hits, but again I had to sacrifice myself for the sake of everyone without a Pax 2. I'm sure an experienced big-hitter could have gone on well past that and the P2 would still produce. Judging from the colour of the ABV after that one hit, I think the cloud people could cash out an oven in 3-4 hits at most.
One other thing I want to mention is the battery indicator. I don't think it's linear, which is common for Li-ion battery level displays. My impression is that it drops from four petals to three fairly quickly. It takes a while to get down to two petals and then it hangs on there forever. The only time I reached one petal I put it on the charger so I don't know how long it would last there. For me, the battery life is great, and most of my use is on/2-3 hits/off, which is least efficient for battery life. @BuzzDanklin, I'd like your opinion on this.
I don't want to jump in with an opinion on this yet because I truthfully have not been paying close enough attention to battery life. I noticed the battery lasts longer overall the one time I ran it until it died, but I was not watching the indicator on the way down for a consistent drop. Since then I have been keeping it topped off most of the time, since the new charger is so slick/easy.
Going forward I will be watching this, thanks for the heads up @pakalolo and hopefully I can get back to you with my findings soon
No. Actually, it just occurred to me that I don't know whether the oven cools down in party mode. I assumed it didn't but I haven't actually asked or tried to test that. Perhaps @scott_dunlap or @Ojan_at_PAX has that answer.
The PAX 2 does cool down in Party Mode, but does so later and more slowly than the normal mode. In normal mode, it starts cooling ~20 seconds after the lip is no longer sensed, and steps down the heat over a period of 60 seconds. In Party Mode, it's more like 30 seconds to kick in, and stepping down the heat over 90 seconds.
I totally agree with this. I have not tried the Pax 2 but the Solo and the Air both have similar flavor profiles to the Pax 1. If you roast it once (2-3 hits), even on the lowest setting, and come back to it later, it has an ABV taste already.The thing I like most about the Pax 2 is the flavour. As for a comparison, the Pax 2 is a pocketable portable but the Solo is not. I haven't done a direct flavour comparison, so I guess I should put that on the list. I am not as keen on the Solo flavour as most Solo owners seem to be, hence my references to subjectivity throughout this thread.
Why not use a finger? I doubt that the sensor can detect a difference between your lips and your finger. You could try a WPA (silicone tubing) with just enough cut out for a finger touch on the tapered mouthpiece. I could be wrong, but it's worth a try.There is the whole lip-sensing thing getting in the way. As I've said, a proper Pax 2 WPA would have to let you easily reset the shutdown timer.
I'm thinking the same thing, presuming that the sensor is capacitative like a smartphone touchscreen? That is, it requires contact with something electrically conductive like skin. (@scott_dunlap? @Ojan_at_PAX?)Why not use a finger? I doubt that the sensor can detect a difference between your lips and your finger. You could try a WPA (silicone tubing) with just enough cut out for a finger touch on the tapered mouthpiece. I could be wrong, but it's worth a try.
Why not use a finger? I doubt that the sensor can detect a difference between your lips and your finger. You could try a WPA (silicone tubing) with just enough cut out for a finger touch on the tapered mouthpiece. I could be wrong, but it's worth a try.
Lol, who says I'm not working on a solution already for the Pax 2 WPAI'm thinking the same thing, presuming that the sensor is capacitative like a smartphone touchscreen? That is, it requires contact with something electrically conductive like skin. (@scott_dunlap? @Ojan_at_PAX?)
If that is the case, these guys are selling pre-orders for electrically conductive 3D printing material with an estimated shipping date in April. It is made from a material called NatureWorks 4043D, which looks to be safe at temperatures up to 446ºF.
This material would allow you to print an iPhone stylus, for example. Or maybe a Pax 2 WPA? Just brainstorming here…