elementary vaporist
yupis this a good deal?
nopewhere can you buy a charger from?
yupVAS still winning!
for now though im just like kinda wondering and dont even know and even gave up trying to think about it though because i know its really in there from just givin'er the ol' finger test on mine... but it JUST works in normal mode very good EVEN on glass when i have no idea if the sensor is being triggered from just the touch of the 18mm glass or not but it does work great.. and i know scott dunlap mentioned earlier that it is specifically adjusted to be sensitive to skin or lips or something and other objects will trigger the sensor as well but may have to be held there for a couple seconds im not sure but all i know is that its in there and even works on glass pretty much in normal mode the same as in party mode because to me in my opinion i was tired of spinning it but then again i was getting kinda tired of waiting for it to turn green as well so here goes my next question: is the oven still heating up while you are spinning the p2? i.e (can you still get into the party modes and have the oven pre-heating at the same time so as to kill two birds with one stone?)I just discovered a party mode that every time you touch the top of the mouthpiece the petals go crazy blinking all kinds of colors. This really gives the feel for how sensitive the lip sensing technology is. As soon as you're not touching it the lights stop. Pretty cool!I totally forgot how I got to it but it was 3 turns toward me 3 turns away 3 turns towards me and after that I forgot
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