Sneaky Pete's review is thorough and I'm happy to report that it confirms what I've been posting here. I do think he made a big production out of a little one with the cleaning, but as he kept saying, he waited too long.
Re the battery life: yesterday mine finally dropped to a single petal of charge (25% or less). I haven't been tracking how much I've used it on this charge, but I decided to see how much I could get out of it before the battery was completely drained. For reference, each time I heated it up I took 3 10 second hits about 30 seconds apart, then turned it off. I heated it to one petal twice, two petals once, three petals twice, and four petals once. I got three red flashes and shutdown while trying to get to four petals a second time. I thought that was impressive.
That was the first time I drained the battery completely and unless I do more testing, it will probably be the last. A full charge using my computer port (the slowest method) took 3 hours, 3 minutes, and 8 seconds. I know the precise time because I recorded a video of it. Now that it's fully charged, I want to do a battery life test but I haven't yet figured out a good regime that doesn't depend on watching timers and such. This sort of testing lends itself to distractions

and forgetting where I was.
it kinda looks like in sneekypete's review that little white hairs are on the pipe cleaner that comes in the cleaning kit with the pax2... and i know it was mentioned earlier in this thread about the small white hairs that are in the picture on top of pakalolo's picture of the pax2 with the mp off (first page) - im wondering if they make the pipe cleaners out of pakalolos cat hair, or if the hair is just from the cleaner thing itself?
I wish. I could make a fortune since my cat produces that stuff at an amazing rate, and everything I wear acts as a superb collector, especially if it's black. The pipe cleaners don't shed, however, and I really don't think they have anything to do with what you can see in my picture. I'm pretty sure that all of that collected from my handling and failure to clean it off before taking picture. I'll definitely be more careful in the future.
Really like what I reading so far. Wondering how strong the charging connection holds itself in place. Would it stay connected and charge in a bag that was being carried around?
Kinda hoping they offer a trade in program my current unit works great, well except for wearing down where connects to charger. It now takes a lot of taps jiggles shakes to get it to make charging connections. Need to send it in for replacement someday. Just been wrapped up in other units.
No it wouldn't. The magnets are strong enough to ensure that the Pax 2 makes a good connection to the charging cradle, but almost any movement will break the hold.