I haven't seen their upload. I don't know what Geotagging is so it shouldn't bother me....ha I'll go take a look. Thanks!
I will bet you a hundred billion dollars I have a NC. Okay? Lol
@O'Connell Woodworks Vapes is good stuff man. Easy to talk to and good productsI've got an order in for one of the Noisy Crickets. Super excited to put it to some serious use
Does anybody have experience with the current shipping wait time from O'Connell? The website says they are experiencing high demand and obviously coronavirus slows things down.
My noisy cricket will be here Saturday, which is 3 weeks from delivery date. However I chose a special wood that he didn’t have in stock (Maple burl). I am beyond excited.@O'Connell Woodworks Vapes is good stuff man. Easy to talk to and good products
Lets see that bad boy.My noisy cricket will be here Saturday, which is 3 weeks from delivery date. However I chose a special wood that he didn’t have in stock (Maple burl). I am beyond excited.
I cant seem to figure out how to post a picture directly from my phone onto here. But I will try to link my IG. My noisy cricket
@MikeRotchHertzI wasn't impressed with the wood on my Doug's Woodery Nova to be honest. The wood has cracking that I was not informed of before purchase otherwise I definitely would not have gone with that species. My SBL Pink Ivory on the other hand is gorgeous.
I do not regret my OHV one bit. The purple heart/spalted hackberry combo (the same one you like) looks fantastic and is very easy to use. It's a bit bigger than the Runt and the glass has a smaller diameter (not thin) but the addition of magnets, the built in stir/tamp tool which can lock everything into place, the option for custom engraving and the general rigidity of the design feel great. As soon as I saw that combo I knew I needed to add one to my collection. Awesome awesome device!
I just push out from bottom.? Easy breezy.Can someone tell me how you take out the herb screen from the Noisy Cricket and put it back in without ruining it? I'd like to give it an alcohol bath. Thanks
Try to push it out with something that's wide and flat. Less chance to break it than with a pick, with a pick you can break thru the screen. I just looked at my Noisy Cricket and I understand why you ask that question,there's not a lot of space to work with. Normally I would use the wood handle from a Strorz and Bickel brush to push but it wont fit in this case. Try to find something similar that fill fit and go slow.Can someone tell me how you take out the herb screen from the Noisy Cricket and put it back in without ruining it? I'd like to give it an alcohol bath. Thanks
It just sits on a little wood ledge I believe. Real easy to take in and out. I use the round end of a poker to poke out from bottom and just push it back in from top.Thanks for your help!
I can find something to push it out with but how do you guys get it back in? Do you push it in from the bottom? Is there a ridge in there that it should slide into?
It's the same process to push the screen back in but now you have more space to work so use something that is bigger to push. I think that the pick on the Noisy Cricket will work, just push the screen with the round wood part of the pick, it fits in the oven so you should be able to push evenly on the screen, if it's not to your liking just take it out and replace it. Just push slow and steady and it should be easy.Thanks for your help!
I can find something to push it out with but how do you guys get it back in? Do you push it in from the bottom? Is there a ridge in there that it should slide into?
Oh so sorry, @Diggy SmallsI've been rockin' my O'Connell every day. I usually use the Inception Stem because it's just that good. I vape downstairs in the basement which is drafty. It has a cement floor. I decided to use my over-priced budget glass j hook and beaker, so I set the Stem aside. I started cleaning up when I heard a bright smash right at my feet. My Inception Stem flew to the unforgiving and moist concrete floor so fast I didn't even understand what had just happened. It's broken. But only mouthpiece half of the outer part of the stem. The inner stem is still intact and they are stuck together despite half of the outer stem being broken off.
It shattered so loud.
My heart skipped a beat.
I swept the floor with my head hung low.
That Stem was a beast. It was sturdy and awesome and effective.
All I have left now are store-bought cheapo vanwinkle glass that's gonna break when I look at it wrong one of these days.
That Stem deserved better. I miss ya, old buddy. The other glass pieces will join you in glass heaven soon.