Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone, or afternoon, evening depending on where you are!
Thank you for all the encouragement, I was going to leave this, but ... but seeing as it's you guys
Before we get into it, I want to make it clear that I respectfully checked in again with @Brenyo and there is absolutely no reason not to post this, it is 100% okay to publish these photos showing the detail of this stem
All images can be clicked to view full size.
Exploded View
First of all, this 'exploded' view shows all the parts, don't be concerned about the messy mesh, that will be machined and this one is a bit bent from inserting it into the tube.
View attachment 13204
Stem Modes
There are three modes on the stem, Open, Bypass and Closed.
- Open - Fresh air enters through the Precision Airport and mixes with the vapour before the cooling spiral.
- Bypass - Fresh air is added after the cooling spiral.
- Closed - The Precision Airport is completely closed and no fresh air enters the stem.
Precision Airport
The precision airport allows you to set the amount of airflow into the stem in whatever mode you chose to use.
Airport disassembled
showing how the
precision airport
relates to the airport
in the stem tube. Assembled and
wide open. Partially closed. The name precision
is not meaningless! Completely closed!
Draw Control
In addition to the three modes there is also draw control in the mouthpiece.
Draw control disassembled
showing how the internal
mouthpiece slots into an
aperture on the stem. Internal mouthpiece inserted
and completely closed. Internal mouthpiece inserted
and half open. End of mouthpiece showing
adjustment slot.
The combination of these two features means you can set Revolve up to behave pretty much exactly how you want it to, want it free and open, no problem, want it closed down lock tight for full draw resistance - you're covered!
It is very impressive and remember this is just a late stage prototype, the improvements to the final design are good. The principles are the same, the implementation is just slightly different. The attention to detail that is going into these things is humbling to say the least.
The Mesh
The Mesh, damn, this makes reclaim a breeze. Simply pop the mesh out into your tip and vape away... it's very convenient and works much better than I imagined - well worth doing! This also helps keep the maintenance of the stem down.
Okay, that's all from me at the moment, I hope these images and descriptions are helpful, any questions please ask
edit: I just came back to check for any errors having been away for a bit, and spotted that I loaded up the wrong photo for the precision airport not being meaningless part - oops! Corrected now - see how small that hole goes!!
Looks good, thanks for posting!
I’ve been a bit disappointed since I saw the first pics and they looked a lot like some of the ideas I’ve worked on (I guess I should get around to making something before everything I think of just looks like a copy of something else), but there are some cool things there that I hadn’t considered too, and at least this way I’ll be able to see how it works without paying for all of the prototyping myself!

Looks like they’re paying attention to detail and doing a good job all around, so I still have high hopes for the Sense too!