Damn that LSV stand keeps eluding me! it is a simple task too.
I need to sort out my evernote lists again!
Anyhooser, i came to ask if anyone had tried using a ceramic flavour disk as a heat diffuser in the WPA?
I think someone suggested the crafty pad from the storz portable (maybe the mighty) and i must say, it is amazing.
I reckon the pad mentioned before will be superior, but just using the ceramic disk allows me to vape an entire bowl with no stirring!
I swear, i will need to video it.
The only drawback is that i can't fully toast the bud and have to use the unit at max temp (due to the ceramic disk constantly stealing and tossing heat during and inbetween heating respectively (hence why the pad will be better).
This has me thinking that a much thinner disk (about 1/4 the depth of mine) would be much better suited.
here's two pics anyway while i'm talking about it.
This certainly has me thinking this needs to be improved and implemented, maybe a HC that has a heat spreader (diffuser?! i don't know what to call it, im fried from using the fucker

) or just reduce the flavour disks depth by 75% and then we can stick them on top of a bowl.
I also found it makes it much harder to scorch so it would make it friendlier for newbies also.
Though i do like the idea of a HC that has a thin porous ceramic disk in it to serve the same purpose without me having to hold and likely lose them every bowl.
On a side note: I just got my results back for my thesis on a dry herb vaporizer prototype - pulled of a 1st class honours degree with a god damn cannabis vape at a UK university haha! My lecturers were are pretty surprised when they reviewed it and realised the cannabis does not in fact melt your brain. But who can blame them when they come in stinking of glenfiddich every morning which persists through to the end of the day.