The blessed FedEx man delivered my LSV about 30min ago!
I was very curious to see what color I would get (my preference order was purple, red, blue, black, silver) and I ended up with what you see below. I would have never chose the color combo, but I really dig it actually.
So that's one of the reasons I went with the LSV, the ability for
BIG loads.
I filled my transfer wand probably 80% full with just enough room to fit an EQ screen.
LSV burned off and warmed up on high, then dropped it to 12, waited a few and went to town with the loaded transfer wand:

Currently blasted. Taste was great, seems on par with Cloud and Enano but I am not too much of a taste 'snob' so YMMV.
Thanks to all in this thread who've pimped the LSV! This thing
is kind of a hidden gem it seems.
Testing with water coming later, ION Matrix up first.
Will be using M2M with ELBs.
Back to lala land with the LSV for me