Instant Heat is a keeper for me.
Not being able to use my logs was hard to get use to, it is easier now
I still have to find the right balance to get 1-2 hits to cash a 0.1/ 0.15 but otherwise I am very good with it
I get 4 nice hits with one stirring and two spinning of the bowl (from .1/.15g), brown ABV like I like it. 27,5W
Flowers must be not too humid otherwise it will take longer (one ghost hit, 1more stirring) and it would be easier to get dark spot if you are in hurry (
@Bravesst you are definitely right to underline this aspect) as in any 100%convection device i believe.
It takes very little to adapt power output to my draw, it is instinctive and thanks to mod regulation it is easy to learn how to use it and repeat
I used it for some times now and I have 0 charred wood smell, you have to do it on pourpose for what I see
For the little history: I was looking for an on demand convection device since longtime.
Besides anything else, the fragility of other units that use glass on glass (like mistvape or tubo which both still intrigue me, even if way less now) was the deal breaker for me. IH looks solid as a rock because it is glass free natively. I love glass purity but I deeply dislike its fragility on a portable device and the dust created by a gong connection scares the paranoic shit out of me when not waterfiltered
Too bad there is a very long waiting list

but when you love something it is usefull to learn to wait

... also a waiting list so long is maybe for some reason, if you are a passionate vaporist you should put yourself inline and decide when the times come
Happy roasting everybody