Well-Known Member
No problem. I hope your batteries are okay, I've burnt through enough to appreciate being more careful by just using the Xtar MC2 for the past few years. My first charger cost me 3x as much, charged at 1A and ate through a bunch of GHB1s before I came to my senses and did the research needed to now be able to occasionally choose to leave batteries in the charger overnight. I don't recommend it and I very rarely do it, but all my cells have probably seen close to and some easily over 1000 cycles each, and in part it's because of the Xtar MC2@MoltenTiger I ordered an MC2 charger when I read your comment recommending it. It's the second time I hear the MC2 is better. Your reply just solidified my purchase. I have left my batteries in the VC2 over night,So hopefully I do a lot less damage with the MC2 haha. Thanks for the info dude!
Now thats got me wondering how many times my Grasshoppers have consumed their weight in herb... Might be pushing 50x haha, high value high quality items ftw.
I have my SS PFE again, and I noticed that because it heats up slower, it lends itself better to direct pfe and a ss short drip tip
I bet the SS io with SS drip tip is one sleek gadget.
I'm rocking my self anodised Ti PFE atm, man is it nice to pick up the io after some hours and immediately get a quick lungful of the loaded chambers goodies.
It really is nice using the io native, though it does get hot after a short while.
I guess the Ti cools quicker, but the SS thermal inertia is all in all nicer. The heat is instant so with cold metal it works quite well indeed, and SS stays cooler longer.
I still mostly use extra cooling to get a session out of it and typically use Ti and glass. I'll have to try out the drip tip method again.
For quick and occasional blasts, which is the original intention of the Zen Pen, the io is incredibly dialled.