Just personal preference, but I would far rather not rely on an auto feature to turn it on. To me, its unneeded added complexity and I turn my GH off and continue to draw for a second to cool the heater.
Can't do that with auto-draw.
A good bit of my view on this is also informed by an autodraw small mod for carts I have. Cart plugs, you can't turn the heater on to unclog it....because it ONLY has autodraw.
That's why I gave up on my auto draw ccell pen years ago, couldn't do
a cool down draw to stop oik creep.
I agree, it is what is clicker & all it would cost major delays & cost.
I've gone from 5 tp 3 with no water on my new "J" hook home Cool
cooling unit. You can take it out as a portable, but not very stealthy. :>)
I use a 18 to 14 adapter in my football lazy boy vape station.

Using the Hybrid Cano like this is a super upgrade to the
plenty type whip puller. This is just so smoother & easy to
get new again, iso. Smoothest GH hits at 3.