Can anyone confirm if the maxvapour battery mod works with the IO yet?
Hope they ain’t capping cause same shit I heard end of last week :/Hi,
Thanks for contacting us. The unit is packed and awaiting pickup.
Hopper Labs Support
HL stayed that these new batteries are still GHB2’s, there’s no change to specs; so the labels are correct.The battery is a GHB2 which I'm wondering is just the use of those wraps on what should be GHB3 nomenclature, and perhaps since this was a sample run of the battery if there will be a different wrap for the mass production run coming next month? Or will they just keep using the GHB2 wraps until they are gone. Guess only Hopper Labs would have the answer to this ?
HL stayed that these new batteries are still GHB2’s, there’s no change to specs; so the labels are correct.
No, they are not the old ones. They are newly manufactured GHB2's. They fixed the manufacturing defect(s), but it is still the same model of battery with the same specs. They are not GHB3's, as there is no such thing yet (according to HL); GHB3's would indicate some sort of change to spec--ie. mAh for example.what? i dont understand at all. Do you say these new batteries are not GHB3 and these are the old one GHB2 and there were no
no change or improvement?
No, they are not the old ones. They are newly manufactured GHB2's. They fixed the manufacturing defect(s), but it is still the same model of battery with the same specs. They are not GHB3's, as there is no such thing yet (according to HL); GHB3's would indicate some sort of change to spec--ie. mAh for example.
A couple of posts up I quoted HL as saying that the batteries would be ghb3, that was Dec. 21, '19 (not '20 as I said above!).HL stayed that these new batteries are still GHB2’s, there’s no change to specs; so the labels are correct.
What I recall is that there were no immediate plans for a GHB3. The batteries that potentially caused the fire in the warehouse were new GHB2's, and that's what is being replaced.A couple of posts up I quoted HL as saying that the batteries would be ghb3, that was Dec. 21, '19 (not '20 as I said above!).
Seeing your statement, I did some searching and found this, but it predates the Dec. 21 remark;
"GHB3 is a long term project, but the capital required to move to this new technology at this time is a barrier for us."(HL from Oct. 12, 2019.
Did they come up with money (maybe from insurance when the previous batch blew up?) to "move" to this new tech?
@JCat do you recall or know anything other than these statements? Maybe from somewhere else? My searches here have not necessarily been exhaustive.
Wouldn't it be nice if HL had a presence on the thread?
Has anyone told them we've moved? Are they lurking, or what?
Once again we're left to speculate, and so we will.
Take the money. I’d bet that HL has no idea where your two year old RMA unit is.I emailed support and heard back yesterday as well. I was given the option of 100$ refund for my warranty until from June 18... I was told warranty wait times are at least 120 days it at this point. So I guess I can make a decision here if I ever want any closure on my 2017 purple Ti. (Bless it’s little heart, it was a beautiful beast for the year it worked!)
I ordered a blue ti io in December during preorder. I have been determined to wait for what I ordered but the plain Ti is sounding slightly more appealing at this point. Was told at least 30 days for color ti units.
Decisions. Decisions. 100$ Off the hopper io that I already paid in full for in exchange for my grasshopper that they’ve had for 2 years and then to wait for what I ordered or settle for what they’ve got??? I usually have no trouble making decisions but hopper labs has totally demolished my rational thought based decision making and got me caught in my head and not my heart. Gahhhhhh! This is poooooey.
On the upside, my kit (dam sexxxxxzy violet cord with translucent blue resin ) from
max vapor is on its way... I hope I have a device to use with it!!
look here Hopper Labs wrote on his page that are all new Batteries are GHB3 even if there is an GHB2 in the picture
i my opinion the most problem is that Hopper Labs not used a normal battery which everyone can buy in every elektro with for example 18650 batteries like others very very good Vapes too
There you have it@JCat: Hopper Labs discussed this in their first post of the old Hopper io thread. This might be a promise that they make and keep at some point in the future, or maybe the GHB3s are here and mislabeled.
Edit: @sativs: To be clear, this isn’t about the picture on the webpage, @420edc received a “new” battery labeled GHB2.
I would say the GHB2 battery we received with the Hopper IO is more soft and matte in finish, a cooler blue than the more glossy, warmer blue (hint of turquoise in yellow incandescent light) finish GHB1 cells we had from the OG Ti Hopper picked up from VapeFiend circa March 2016 and spare batteries direct from Hopper Labs in February 2016. I don't have any other cells to compare them to.I’ve been doing quite a bit of searching lately in regards to batteries and HL did say in October that there were extra glossy GHB2 battery wraps and future batches might still have the glossy wraps. Is your wrap glossy and somewhat brittle or more of a soft, matte finish @420edc?