I believe these are most likely just batteries that have been sitting on a shelf for too long. I believe these were discussed back in October but the shop was never named, I assumed at the time that it was this shop.https://verdampftnochmal.de/products/de/Grasshopper-Akku
If Someone needs batteries, i just ordered 3... will see how well they perform
Edit: GHB 2
About that.... just recently bought a pair of new batteries which make me wonder if they're the right thing... they are more shiny than all previous 8 batts I have here, which all are more of a matte finish. Also, they nearly weigh a gram less (like all my previous batts are 20 - 20.1 gr, these new ones are like 19.2 and 19.3) and they act just like very old batteries. One let the bar graph in my XTAR VC2 be spinning up and down for a minute before it really started charging, both don't keep half the load all my other batts do. The hopper would start showing batt life lights after one bowl, when I put it in the charger it would show like 70% power while it doesn't heat up shit and the hoppers backend gets hot to touch, as I said, just like old, shitty batteries What gives, any idea?
A german retailer who seemingly always had them in store for the last couple months. As I'm actually in doubt what the deal is here, I'm hesitant to announce the shop name, but there aren't that many in the market anyway. It's a pretty well-known shop so I don't actually think they're screwing customers, but could image they'd been screwed. Have there been problems with a certain batch of batteries? Have there been counterfeit batteries in the market?
Was hoping to get some input from @Hopper Labs ...
The batteries are likely from an older batch that the retailer seems to have in stock. We have sold them all over the world, so it is not unlikely that someone has a few in a retail store. None of the new ones are available at this time, none have been shipped to any retailers.
I assumed at the time that it was this shop.
Batteries arriving this week, who's excited?Batteries are on track to arrive in 7-12 days. Will keep you updated. Hopper io's are sitting ready to ship!
If Someone needs batteries, i just ordered 3... will see how well they perform
Edit: GHB 2
I’ll believe it when I see them. I’ve been waiting effectively an entire year for new ones though, honestly, I’ve been using 2 out of 5 I received and used (no issues) just prior to the fire in which HL recommended we not use them and dispose of them properly. Legacy and io units alike could use this battery infusion soon (like yesterday). Keep the io reviews and comments coming - I’m lurkingBatteries arriving this week, who's excited?![]()
We think the batteries may be pretty old stock. I agree maybe not good practice (if this is the case) on the part of the retailer, but on the other hand, as batteries have been virtually unobtainable, the old stock batteries I got a few months ago when HL was offering to some folks (recent warranty recipients) have served me very adequately. My repaired og would not even reach temp with my older "okay" batteries --even while older og's were functional with the older batts.but that's strange that the German retailer suddenly has batteries and even Hopper Labs doesn't have any. I know that the German store had no Hopper batteries for sale recently
Batteries arriving this week, who's excited?![]()
Seeing they're STILL selling those buggers, I believe I can confirm it's actually the very same. They immediately gave me my money back which is fairly unusual for batteries and didn't even offer me a replacement. By now they really should know somethings wrong with those batteries.
Yes, removal/replacement of back end can be a "quick fix" to get to blue instead of early red. Or the ol' spin the temp dial a couple of times, but I do find the r/r to help get it back hopping some more. Yes, this can happen with a freshly charged battery or with a partially spent one.Speaking on batteries... I have 2. 1 is an og and 1 I received recently with a warranty hopper. There's been a few times I took them both off the charger when finished only to have 1 show blue for 5 sec then go to red. I take out the battery, cuss a little then replace it and try it again in disbelief it could be dead. On the 2nd try it works normally as if it needed a little warm up. I'll get 6 or 8 good rips through the orbiter with it afterwards. If your battery is cold but fully charged and shows red earlier than it should, give it a try. I started with 5 batteries in 2016 and now down to 2. If the hopper hadn't been in warranty off and on for 3 1/2 years I'm sure I'd been without any myself by now.
Honestly the grasshopper isn't stealthy in a way that matters. Could it pass as a pen, sure? But a lot of people would see a pen like that and immediately ask about it. It looks more like a "conversation starter" pen, not a bic you use everyday. Secondly, after use, it reeks. If you're using this thing in public, people can smell it on you. They might be polite, but they can smell it.
The click is loud, the lights are bright. On top of that if you use the standard tip without the silicone cover it's unbearably hot after a couple hits, so you either use the silicone or the PFE, both of which make it look like it's not a pen.
People have seen my grasshopper and said "Oh wow is that a vape?" Nobody has assumed it's actually a pen.
You raise an interesting point. Stealth isn’t necessarily just about form factor. To be honest I don’t care at all that the Grasshopper/io looks like a pen. It’s kind of a nice bonus but I don’t need that. I do like the small size and wouldn’t want it any larger, it just doesn’t necessarily have to look like a pen. The PFE takes care of this too...I really could not disagree more with the statement "the grasshopper isn't stealthy in a way that matters". For me it is easily the most stealthy of all vapes that I've owned over the last 10 years.
I keep it in a leather sleeve when not in use:
The small and slim form factor makes it easy to carry around in my pocket. It produces zero odor when in use (not counting the odor of your exhaled vapor). It has never combusted on me. It heats up in 4-5 seconds and produces plenty of vapor during an 8-10 second draw. It does not "reek" at all for me (keeping it in the leather sleeve probably helps with odor too). Even outside of the leather case my Hoppers don' "reek".
All of these things make it very stealthy for me. They just don't make it stealthy for you I guess.
try ordering a pen case off Etsy. Handmade and much higher quality leather for pretty much the same price. If I remember correctly (got mine like 2 years ago) I think it was $15-20I keep it in a leather sleeve when not in use
Those who want to get their Hopper io shipped out now without a battery see below. If you requested an "early shipping unit" via PM you must also now do this:
1. You must have a completed order for a hopper io Stainless Steel or Titanium. Order one as normal now if you want to do this but don't have an order.
2. Compose an email to support@thehopper.io with the subject "Hopper io - early shipping"
3. In the body have the email address of your Hopper account and your order number
4. If you choose to have it shipped now we won't ship you a battery later.
Batteries are on track to arrive in 7-12 days. Will keep you updated. Hopper io's are sitting ready to ship!
So where are these anyway? And why isn’t GBH3 not proudly and prominently displayed? Kinda odd to me not showing this. For all I know these are GBH2s. This was weeks ago and your last post to the thread was at least a week ago.Quick Update:
Sorry I have been swamped with a ton of stuff this last week.
A small batch of batteries is complete and is being set to us. Shipping has been difficult because none of the flights out of CN/HK want to accept anything but medical goods right now (a good thing). We are in line to get them over here but it is taking longer than normal. Still should be enough time for the April shipping. We are ready to ship, just need the batteries.
Glad those with the io are enjoying it and giving feedback. We are listening.
That was on April 14th, and my main takeaways were “[t]hose who want to get their Hopper io shipped out now...” and “[h]opper io's are sitting ready to ship!”
So I took the bait and requested early shipping that same day, April 14th, thinking it was going to fly out the door. I didn’t feel great about forfeiting the battery, but I was ok with it if it meant my unit would be expedited.
On April 16th I got this response from HL: “Thanks for contacting us. Okay we will add you to the shipping list.” Haven’t heard anything since, so I emailed them for follow up just now (April 23rd):
It could be that it shipped and was never scanned by USPS, though I think there still would have been a notification when the label was created. More likely it slipped through the cracks, an honest mistake. We’ll see what they say.
Did this ship? Batteries were “on track to arrive in 7-12 days” 9 days ago. If it hasn’t shipped yet, and if batteries are still on track to arrive in that timeframe, then please cancel my early shipping request.
Are batteries still on track to arrive in that timeframe?
I am very curious to see if the batteries really do arrive this week or if delays are announced.
Talk to Elon.A "Made in USA" vape should have a "Made in USA" battery.