Hex-Nail (HN-01) - RIP


hotboxing the cockpit
Is there a way to disconnect the Hex-Nail from the WiFi network and turn the AP back on?

When I switched firmware and would reboot my router and the hexnail, it'd start blinking green and let me connect to the AP again.

I guess if the HN can no longer connect to the wifi it's linked to it'll start showing the AP

edit: I lied - mines connected to my wifi now, but I can still see the AP... It stopped working overnight. I tried turning off heater before going to bed rather than just turning the entire unit off like I had been. Been trying powercycles and etc. I can see it's still connected to the appropriate wifi via the AP tho...

edit2: Took a shower and let unit sit off for 30~min and now we good :)
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Anyone have both an HN-01 & 02?
Performance differences between 1.2.10 & OS2?


1.2.10 has some pretty serious bugs (WSoD, runaway heat ramping) that don’t seem to exist on the new unit/new software, so in that regard it is much better. I am excited for 2.0 to be backported - it is sleek! I miss the display and resulting soft buttons that my HN-01 provides.

Is there a way to disconnect the Hex-Nail from the WiFi network and turn the AP back on?

From your settings page, hit ‘edit WiFi settings’ and you’ll be taken to the AP page and you can disconnect from there.


Well-Known Member
Anyone have both an HN-01 & 02?
Performance differences between 1.2.10 & OS2?


You won't have to worry about that soon. ;)
[See Below.]

1.2.10 has some pretty serious bugs (WSoD, runaway heat ramping) that don’t seem to exist on the new unit/new software, so in that regard it is much better. I am excited for 2.0 to be backported - it is sleek! I miss the display and resulting soft buttons that my HN-01 provides.

Don't worry it's one of our primary concerns right now and it's close to being ported. We're tweaking some elements of the UI now but the back-end seems to be mostly in place as of last night. Liz and I were testing it on an HN-01.

Finally got it on the correct network after power cycling and waiting 15 min. I am able to change settings without it resetting now.

The resets come as the back-end provisions sometimes. Once it settles down after about 20 minutes it should run pretty smoothly.
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Well-Known Member
You won't have to worry about that soon. ;)
[See Below.]

This. ^^

Also. Don't worry it's one of our primary concerns right now and it's close to being ported. We're tweaking some elements of the UI now but the back-end seems to be mostly in place as of last night. Liz and I were testing it on an HN-01.

The resets come as the back-end provisions sometimes. Once it settles down after about 20 minutes it should run pretty smoothly.

That's great to hear since I have my HN-01 in hand now. (SD card issue so want to confirm stuff before opening to replace) It's been about a week since I PM'd you and emailed you (same thing just copied) Would you mind checking on it? I'm not a texter, so I'd really prefer to communicate via email.

Also, would it be possible to look into the issues with the DD-WRT firmware? I'm also running a DD-WRT firmware and can't get my HN-01 to connect. Don't really have the option of flashing back because I need the feature set. That means I'll need to set up a separate AP just for my hexnail which is doable but kind of annoying... @muunch was also having issues with his and I highly doubt that we are using the same model wireless router.
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Well-Known Member
From your settings page, hit ‘edit WiFi settings’ and you’ll be taken to the AP page and you can disconnect from there.

This is definitely not true. There's no disconnect button. You can login to other networks, and you can change the advanced config, but there's no disconnect from current network. And there's not a chance in hell that I'm touching the advanced config if there isn't a way to hard-reset the unit ourselves without sending it in.
This is definitely not true. There's no disconnect button. You can login to other networks, and you can change the advanced config, but there's no disconnect from current network. And there's not a chance in hell that I'm touching the advanced config if there isn't a way to hard-reset the unit ourselves without sending it in.

Sorry - I figured you meant disconnect from one to connect to another. Yes, I don’t know how to do what you’re trying to do, but I would love to be able to.
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Well-Known Member
Opened the app to turn on the heater after work, and the heater was already on. Fortunately I had everything setup safely; still, that's pretty scary. The heater was off when I left this afternoon, but I did open the app to check on it once remotely. I do not recall hitting any buttons, but it seems likely that I triggered the heater by mistake; this was likely a result of user error rather than a malfunction. If you're keeping your unit on for remote access, please remember to have it in a safe place. No pets. Reaching out to support to figure out what happened.


Well-Known Member
Liz has worked tirelessly for 3 days straight on this video but here you go, folks.

HEX-NAIL 'Red Queen' Setup & App Walkthrough [12:14]

More videos and what not to come as we release new patches, features, updates, etc.

Opened the app to turn on the heater after work, and the heater was already on. Fortunately I had everything setup safely; still, that's pretty scary. The heater was off when I left this afternoon, but I did open the app to check on it once remotely. I do not recall hitting any buttons, but it seems likely that I triggered the heater by mistake; this was likely a result of user error rather than a malfunction. If you're keeping your unit on for remote access, please remember to have it in a safe place. No pets. Reaching out to support to figure out what happened.

I'm pretty sure I know what caused this and we're going to fix it soon. It's a small clash between a safety feature we built in and the fact that the nail starts heating immediately when powered on. It should be a simple fix / patch that will come sooner rather than later.

[We always recommend keeping your rigs, etc. in safe, contained places when they're unattended regardless of the enail / etc. being used. Just as a general company statement. Heh.]


hotboxing the cockpit
Pretty sure you can just purchase on the site. Should take you to paypal

Just opened the app and my heater is on again. Definitely not user error. I'm looking forward to the fix and will be leaving my unit off for now as a result.

yeah i've been leaving mine off. turning the heater off was giving me reconnection issues when I wanted to get back to it.

turning it off every time and only connecting from 1 device has kept me working solidly.
Just opened the app and my heater is on again. Definitely not user error. I'm looking forward to the fix and will be leaving my unit off for now as a result.

Yeah i've been leaving mine off. turning the heater off was giving me reconnection issues when I wanted to get back to it.

turning it off every time and only connecting from 1 device has kept me working solidly.

I’ve been coming at this from the reverse and just been leaving it on and assuming it will be on all the time. Mine drops into AP mode basically once a day so I’m just assuming if the light ring is blinking at this point, I’m good to go. I’m sure future releases will figure this out.


they say im crazy but i have a good time
...having actual temp +/-~20°F normal? anyone with a flowerpot shower head able to share their settings? I've found that 'standard med nail' gives best results but still gives +/-10-20°F from set temp. I've played around with all the other preset equipment. Standard heavy nail i was getting +~30°F from set temp...

...so far i enjoy the HN-02.. still getting use to using tablet to see temps, but once i have everything set properly i cant see using the app at all (unless i want to change temps)- which is nice, turn on unit and go! how it should be ;)


Well-Known Member
How do I get the new firmware and the android or chrome app? I want to order a Red Queen but i am still waiting on all the promised features of my HN01 before spending more money.


Well-Known Member
@jhartbarger there is no set date as they are finishing up testing against the release build for the older units. I know the bulk of the work is done and it's just little things being nailed down.
@Dubmonkey I dont recall seeing anything about 30mm coils not working. I think the issue is there isn't a preset for a 30mm and so would need to use the 20mm or 25mm coil setting
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