Ordered an Herborizer. I don't know if you guys are aware, but it's a really good time, exchange rate wise, for those in the states. I don't know if I need an Herborizer, but I've watched Troy and Jerry and course, the more I watch, the more I want

. (this purchase, I'll blame more on Jerry

I really kinda bungled my ordering. First the darn cc, not only did the code via txt, but then, on top, sent a "is this valid" txt, after the transaction, on the site had already failed. I was able to repeat and get the bubbler pack. Later, I made another order for the Sherlock body, extra screens, and o-rings. I asked in the notes and Sebastien was kind enough to refund me some shipping. Course, after all that, I realized I didn't think to order the stand, but I've read that you can use the Sherlock. I'll try that for now
I've really enjoyed the hotrod, it's been the absolute best for me, so far. I have a mighty, but I haven't used it much, I was using dynavap, then the stickybrick OG, before the hotrod. (this isn't a comment on what's better, but just my usage). I'm looking forward to the Herborizer!