santa cruz, kills the space case, mendo, every grinder. it is simply that good.
You're welcome to your opinion, but the fact is that although the Santa Cruz has a better machining to it than other I've seen, other than the Space Case (which also seems perfect, finish wise), in actual use you can't tell the difference between that brand (OR Space Case) and an under $20 grinder, as far as the grinding results. In fact, the squared off 'teeth' in the Santa Cruz design can provide a lot of resistance when grinding herb that still has a good moisture content. Mine is a small two piece, and on one load I ended up giving up and grinding with another model. Using a larger size would help, since larger nearly always makes grinding easier.
I've heard that the more recent Mendo Mulchers may have a different tooth design than the original shape, but I've got a 4 piece and a 2 piece, and they both shred great but don't grind well at all because the teeth only have 2 edges- front and back. After the initial 'cutting' pass, very little grinding happens without redistributing the herb inside. It does a great job if you don't need a fine grind. If you do, it's a lousy design.
exit said:
I don't think the Space Case or Sharpstone are nearly as much as they're cracked up to be.
The Sharpstone is an inexpensive brand, made in the same factory, on the same CNC machines, as Sharp Crusher, Smart Crusher, Chromium Crusher, Cali Crusher, etc. Sharpstone is a little more expensive than some other brands, but not made any differently or better. They're all the same, and they're all good quality. Space Case and Santa Cruz stand out due to their excellent machining, but that does NOT translate to better grinding. In fact some of the cheaper Crusher brands have a better tooth design than Space Case, which is standard diamond shaped. An offset 4 edged design offers more effective cutting edges IMO. I have a $15 Smart Crusher that works as well for me as any more expensive model. I still like the old MixnBall best, due to the anodized finish and the offset tooth design that was likely 'borrowed' by the Crusher designer. I WOULD avoid the gimmick grinders and the ones with smilie faces and skulls, etc.
The need for an expensive brand of grinder is out of date, just as much as the need to buy a Volcano to avoid getting a POS vape. For some years now all good grinders have been made 100% CNC from a single chunk of high quality aluminum, including the various Crusher models. They just don't bother to eliminate the burrs and small scratches that are hard to avoid. The pricy grinders are riding the same outdated reputation train as the 'cano. I've bought nearly every name brand out there, as well as generics, over the years, and I'm 100% comfortable with my survey. I'm all for buying a Santa Cruz or Space Case 2 piece, especially in the 2" size, but the 4 piece prices are ridiculous IMO. I'd rather get a nice 2 piece and get an inexpensive sifter box from Puffitup. You come out better price wise and you can process quantity quicker.
I've put in my

on the grinder issue many times, just because I have used so many different brands (being the curious type), and I'll likely put it in again in the future. Take it or leave it, as you like.