Thanks, man. Couldn't find it for the life of me. So, this is what it says on this subject and its not completely without ambiguity:
To heat oven to a desired temperature press and hold Start Button. A blinking Start Button indicates the Haze Square is actively heating chamber to temperature. The Start Button will turn Green and the Square will vibrate once when it is ready for use. Green means go and it’s time to draw! Like any on demand vaporizer you should expect slightly longer heat up times earlier in the session with lower temperature draws. Once the load is “heat soaked” you will be able to achieve improved vapor production with less wait time. Draw speed and pressure can also impact the vapor output. Try slowing your draw or speeding it up to impact your vapor production to your preference.
What this doesn't clarify is if you are to continue to hold down the button throughout the draw (which I believe is what I did...but have bad CRS) nor if there is another vibration/light flash at the end of a draw (that is, does the heat cycle for a draw time out). It mentions the 45 second idle time out but not what happens when drawing or what the proper tech should be during the draw.
I'm pretty sure I used it like an MV1, hold down the button, hepatic feedback, draw, and stop drawing on the next hepatic feedback vibration.
Anyone care to school me on what is really right on this topic???

[QUOTE="Haze Vaporizers, post: 1245554, member: 21285" Or maybe our manual needs to be more attractive/simpler/to the point. These are all feedback for us. Once we explained that you hold the button down and heat. You let go and stop, all of a sudden it works great now.
[/QUOTE] (Bold are mine) Never even considered it any other way, but then I have used other convection vapes and pens, which always require you to "hold button for heat". The coil will auto-regulate the heat as needed (read that somewhere on this thread) - but only if it's "on"
I tried it the other way...and well...I get almost nothin[/QUOTE] I thought. Any end of draw time out indications?