The air path with pods are made of stainless steel. We used QPQ to treat the metal for the production units. The beta version pods used anodization and base/housing Aluminum. Production units still have housing as cast Aluminum. If you are sensitive to Aluminum, as i mentioned, i would not recommend Square as it has Aluminum. I am pretty sure that you are also not using aluminum in your kitchen as well.
As far as health concerns, we use the safest possible materials at every component we build. Thats why it takes 2-3 years to bring a product to the market for us. We test, test and further test. We are also one of the very few companies who sent our products to FDA for compliance testing. It added almost another year to our time table just for that. Does it mean anything? I don’t know as every person has a different health profile but we just want to be safe from our perspective. Can we say that our product is the safest product ever made? Of course not and nobody in their right mind can claim that.
Based on what you described as your conditions, if i were you, i would avoid Aluminum 100%. I would not even drink soda out of a can but that is me personally. For that reason, i would recommend you the Dual V3 instead of the Square.
Thank you for expanding. You are correct, no aluminium pans. Also won't ever cook with foil, but no problem using it cold to wrap food directly. It is only when heated that foil is a problem.
That said, I would not have any noticeable reaction if I did cook food in tin foil, I just avoid it like non stick teflon pans. I dont even eat any table salt at all- 100% unrefined salt, fat etc- 100% non-processed home cooked diet.
Im sure I can touch aluminium, even lick it, without a problem.
It's just that one particular vape I tried which has an alumimium heating block that is heated by flame, and then the air passes through it to be heated.
I had a very severe allergic reaction to normal usage of this device- but only because the aluminium is in the vapor path and heated up.
I don't know how the reaction occured but I didn't have any problems handling the vape.
So I am really not concerned about aluminium if it not heated, and not directly in the air path.
The QPQ treatment however I am less sure about. I did look it up and can't feel certain that there isn't some substance for me to potentially react to. Tricky for me to understand it properly though-very technical.
I really want to give the Square a go. The Dual V3 does not appeal to me the same. Worst case scenario- my mum takes exclusive ownership of the Square, or we head to classifieds.
There is no exact "danger" to me trying the device. I just may not be able to use it, in the case of a potential (hopefully very unlikely) reaction to any component of the QPQ process materials.
I sincerely appreciate the information you give thank you.