For me only the third one is a super huge hit. That's what I want tooAll those hits were super huge. A lot of vapor production for sure.

And then I always think that I should've used that bowl it in my VapCap...
For me only the third one is a super huge hit. That's what I want tooAll those hits were super huge. A lot of vapor production for sure.
For me only the third one is a super huge hit. That's what I want tooMy biggest cloud is the second one, and I only get like 1 hit like it out of 1 bowl... I'm envious..
And then I always think that I should've used that bowl it in my VapCap...
Not sure which screw that is, I don't have the tool tho to even check.
I also just watched @paytonpenn video. Everything on his unit seems just easier to do. The lock looks much easier to turn, mine nearly breaks my fingers every time I try (maybe gets easier over time). Also when he rotates the Square, it locks into place. Mine rotates and then kinda shimmys back and forth if i put pressure on either side, it does not feel secure in place.
When it hits well though I love it!
To chime in from a novice vaping couple with just a week with the square....
We’re both able to get good clouds. Here’s the sinple stuff I believe gets us good results!
1) Fine grind. Once through a standard cnc grinder will work, but putting it through 2-3 times (or using a finer grinder) can be the difference between stirring or not, or ~10 pulls with medium vapor as opposed to 6-7 with much more cloud production.
1.5) pack. Use a scoop or tool to load. I was pinching my herbs in creating uneven density in my pod. Dont do that. Fill all the way and tamp somewhat gently until flat. Overpack=poor airflow, uneven abv and MOST CERTAINLY a screen covered in herb which can also effect vapor.
2) temp. 3->4 base preset. I might double press towards the end or bump to 5.
3) clean airpath. The tiny holes in the screen or pod can easily be restriced or blocked by oil buildup or some ABV fleks, which can caused diminished or uneven airflow...extraction. Sticky screens will get herb caked onto them almost immediately as i mentioned.
4) draw: firm and constant, usually until the green light goes off and vibrates.
Anyone find a good travel case for this guy with some room for accessories aside from the one they sell?
I can draw fairly hard. I get huge clouds out of a VapCap. Maybe not that hard like Troy from 420vapezoneIt’s all about how you draw. I know I’m still seeing vapor at like draw 10 after 2 days on the same bowl. Not nearly as much as the video and the taste is not the greatest by then but I am seeing some exhale. I’m not even using it at 410 either. I’m on 395 currently.
Maybe @AJS can inform us regarding his draw technique as that wasn’t really shown.
Yes that is the seal I am talking aboutAre you referring to the bottom silicone seal that sits on the tray where the pods go? @Djsleepy I notice my silicone raises a bit sometimes as well.
Also microdose pods will probably create better airflow for sure on a side note. And it will aleviate the issue of getting material stuck on top of the screens which seems inevitable.
I'm noticing this too.If I start on 360 or 390- and temp step I end up with wispier vapor at each setting and prefer the punch this thing can deliver, so I just start high on 450.
Fair point. I'm not used to fine fine. I forget what people mean as it's been so long for grinding just a standard medium grind. I'm using the Haze grinder gifted to me, it's great for my other vapes. Ironically. I'll use my other grinder that grinds finer and double grind. Excited to try!I suggest grinding finer
Mine wouldn't even download at first. I just updated my windows and everything worked fine.HELP
I'm sure the answer is somewhere back there but.....
Have Win 10 & App & Pro. When I launch the app it opens, it has the haze symbol in the middle, it sits there for 10 seconds maybe 20 and then just closes. It does this when the square is plugged into the USB both in the on-and-off position.
I kind of remember something about having to be running a specific version of win 10 can anybody advise?
Square working great today. The only problem I had was trying to vape one of the cbd bowls I packed and quickly realize I chose the wrong bowl and it wasn't the cbd I was vaping
Did my first full clean last night seeing how I'm now pretty used to the vape and now know how it all works. Flavor was incredible, clouds were very very satisfactory and smooth. This thing can be beastly when dialed in.
I'm noticing this too.
Fair point. I'm not used to fine fine. I forget what people mean as it's been so long for grinding just a standard medium grind. I'm using the Haze grinder gifted to me, it's great for my other vapes. Ironically. I'll use my other grinder that grinds finer and double grind. Excited to try!
Also I think the double tap method works well because I think when the heater heats up it runs hot then settles out lower at the proper temp, so when ur drawing during heatup you get a little extra boost. Or possibly the vape thinks it's running cooler cuz you are drawing air over the coil/sensor so it gets a little hotter to keep up. Not sure.
I've notice on lower temp with cbd flower I've actually managed to make the flavor die in a hit if I time the double heatup and my draw wrong.
Over all I'm getting better with it. Can't repeat results every time and I normally always need the double heat method for the most part, but with some of the massive flavorful hits I've gotten, the potential is clearly there and I'm slowly tapping into it more and more consistently.
Edit: I think the fine grind was the last piece of the puzzle. Great extraction, never once used the double heat method, just used it how it was intended.
Edit2: did 2 more sessions at fine grind, awesome vapor from the first pull. Loving this!
Mine wouldn't even download at first. I just updated my windows and everything worked fine.
Edit: if you have a 14mm male and a tiny bit of tape you can mate to water. I got absolutely massive rip. First rip was heatsoak, second rip nailed me.
I wanted to update that I got my square pro back. It originally didn't charge so I didn't even have a chance to try it.
First thing I did was charge it via wall charger.(and it started charging YAY!!) Then i packed 4 different strains into each bowl....full pack with tamp...maybe a little overfilled. Started with default first temp and got no vapour but the taste was remarkable. Effects hit me too...very cerebral. Compared to my Herbalizer which gives me more of a body effect, this constantly goes straight to my head. Will have to play with more strains. Stepping up the temp gave me more vapour but nothing like I've seen with others' videos. I think my material is very moist so I'll dry it out and see what kind of vapour I get from that. I am also loving the fact that it truly is an on-demand vape. Woke up in the middle of the night in pain and just had to reach over for the square 3 clicks on set to highest temp...hold go....repeat 3 times...wait a few minutes for my body to relax and back to sleep I go. I'll report back after I get some more testing under my belt but my first impressions of this vape are very good. Colour me impressed.
Congrats Haze on a well thought out on-demand vape.
Hey Gino thanks for the tips. I think I'll go with the intended single press useage for now. Is it quittin' work time yet?People who are getting crazy clouds are in fact double pressing the heater button. This in theory creates a much hotter temperature than what the device is set to therefore allow for greater vapor production. I vape at 395 and on a 3 day old bowl that’s almost completely brown I still exhale vapor. If you want the clouds double or triple press your button. I don’t recommend it. Not the way the unit was designed. And you may want to watch your coil as it may warp, create hot spots in your bud, and prematurely kill your coil.
I've been getting massive clouds without double heating since I got my technique and pack down.People who are getting crazy clouds are in fact double pressing the heater button. This in theory creates a much hotter temperature than what the device is set to therefore allow for greater vapor production. I vape at 395 and on a 3 day old bowl that’s almost completely brown I still exhale vapor. If you want the clouds double or triple press your button. I don’t recommend it. Not the way the unit was designed. And you may want to watch your coil as it may warp, create hot spots in your bud, and prematurely kill your coil.