Ichi maybe we shoud talk about this in private. I have been in contact you via email and over PM. Last messages were just yesterday. Please help me to understand how communication is breaking down?I hope Haze Tech., while updating the warranty policy does not make it more difficult for the people with actual unit problems/failures not caused by human error to get replacements. Maybe a grandfather clause would be nice for the original release or earlier release owners. The people who have been with Haze and working with them from near the start. I'm just throwing ideas around for a better piece of mind for some folks. Plus I already thought the warranty policy stated Haze Tech. won't cover breakage from drops, water damage or incorrect use.
I know of many people that buy/own nice things and never do regular upkeep on these items. My point is that it should not make it more difficult for those of us with actual unit issues/failures. If that is going to be the case of course.
Is the Haze company having any type of internal or corporate problems? I'm just curious because the communication from them has broken down somewhat.
I don't plan on going anyplace I love my Haze. That being said just because they are growing does not mean they should stop the great service, the family feeling for its employees or sell out later on. I've seen this happen with other vaporizer companies. Change is not always needed or good. Like the wheel for instance it has been working great for centuries.Please stay different Haze it's what has been working for you all along. As always cheers and I'll chime in later it's time for my medicine.
pS. I've received a (nice ratio) trophy......yay! Thanks FC & members.
Hi @Kakaxxot welcome to the forum. I will send you a PM on the unit turning off. There are a number of steps to diagnose this.Oi, I feel bad for posting this on this page but here we go anyway.
Two days ago I had a weird problem with my Haze (v2.5). It randomly shut off in the middle of a smoke. The battery didn't run out, it was a fresh battery, it wasn't from idle time, I wasn't smoking any slower than I usually do, it just turned off. I closed the lid and opened it again, it came back on, went back to smoking. Happened again a few minutes later. I popped the battery lid open, closed it, turned back on. I finished my session, put it away and didn't use it again until yesterday where the same thing happened (and I used the second battery too in case it was an issue with the single battery). I have not used it any differently than I normally do. I have not used it today, I don't plan to for several hours, but I'm just going to go out on a limb and say it might happen again.
Any ideas on this? Bad unit? Exchange time?
Unrelated to the technical issue above, how much does a bowl in the Haze hold?
Thank you Scott. I will check it out. I know you have Halloween specials, but I don't need everything.USER=21078]@Betty White[/USER] We sell one on our homepage that will carry everything. I also used an Otterbox Pursuit 40 in the past.
Back to your regular scheduled programming of positive vibes and sharing of information. I think @SlowDrawMcGraw kicked us back off right with that sweet video! Thanks my friend!
if you use the search and click just this thread and put in crafty you can probably find a few comparisonsI'm sure it's already been mentioned, but has anyone that owns a Crafty stated their thoughts on how the version 3 unit compares?
I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but has anyone that owns a Crafty stated their thoughts on how the version 3 unit compares?
Well said @stickstones. My Mighty's draw sounds identical to your Crafty. I would say Haze is a true portable (the V3 even more then the 2.5) as the new materials seem bulletproof where my Mighty is better suited for home use.I think they're completely different. The Crafty is one of the best hitting portables on the market, imo. I can huff on it hard and get good clouds, and it fully extracts with a pretty quick heat up time. and it's small enough.
The Haze is a conduction vape primarily, with a convection mod that works well. But you still need to give it a slightly slower draw than the Crafty to get good hits. What's cool about the Haze is everything the Crafty isn't. Dual chambers, multiple bowls can be loaded for on the go, incredibly versatile in its use, and all the batteries you could ever want.
These units really hit different needs and markets. They both do their job well, it's just different jobs. Other than the obvious fact that they both produce vapor!
awsome stuff Scott! glad to hear such good news especially after the downer talk from yesterday. That's awesome that not only are units being sent to those who could really use them but that its not through a 3rd party but they are actually hearing about you guys and straight up contacting youGood day everyone! I just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update on what we are doing with the Pay-it-Forward Upgrade program.
As you all know our good friend @Vitolo is unable to accept units to be repurposed for those in need. I am getting some suitable units and I am saving those for when the time is right.
In the meantime the word on the program is getting out. I just yesterday sent a unit to a wounded war vet. who contacted us. He sent us an email with his story and a picture. We had a nice chat and at the end of it I felt he was a good candidate so we sent him out a unit only charging him shippping (as much as I would love to pick this up we just can't for everyone).
We recieved another email yesterday from a young man named Vladimir Ayriyan who lives in southern California. Vlad is afflicted with a disease called Friedreich's Ataxia which affects the heart and nervous system. We exchanged a few emails and I was touched so I took lamlarrytoo's pristine unit that just came in and packed it up for Vlad. Here is more on his story.
I sent Vlad some cleaning tips and told him to check out this forum. If he wanted to join he would be welcomed with open arms and there were many people here who could help him with his usage questions.
So yesterday was kind of a bad day for the program but TODAY IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!
Thanks to everyone who continues to participate in this program and supports getting devices like the Haze into the hands of these very special recipients.
I think I speak for all of them when I say they very much appreciate it and I think I speak for all the donors when I say we very much appreciate them!
Good day everyone! I just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update on what we are doing with the Pay-it-Forward Upgrade program.
As you all know our good friend @Vitolo is unable to accept units to be repurposed for those in need. I am getting some suitable units and I am saving those for when the time is right.
In the meantime the word on the program is getting out. I just yesterday sent a unit to a wounded war vet. who contacted us. He sent us an email with his story and a picture. We had a nice chat and at the end of it I felt he was a good candidate so we sent him out a unit only charging him shippping (as much as I would love to pick this up we just can't for everyone).
We recieved another email yesterday from a young man named Vladimir Ayriyan who lives in southern California. Vlad is afflicted with a disease called Friedreich's Ataxia which affects the heart and nervous system. We exchanged a few emails and I was touched so I took lamlarrytoo's pristine unit that just came in and packed it up for Vlad. Here is more on his story.
I sent Vlad some cleaning tips and told him to check out this forum. If he wanted to join he would be welcomed with open arms and there were many people here who could help him with his usage questions.
So yesterday was kind of a bad day for the program but TODAY IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!
Thanks to everyone who continues to participate in this program and supports getting devices like the Haze into the hands of these very special recipients.
I think I speak for all of them when I say they very much appreciate it and I think I speak for all the donors when I say we very much appreciate them!