My little review of the unit.
Sorry if my english is not good
I really enjoy the design and general build quality of the product.
The battery life is also a big plus, and the hability to change batteries with ease is also amazing.
The options to fill two ovens and start your sessions is also great for me as I share the unit with my wife.
But what impressed me most was the
TASTE that I've got with this little thing.
I have one Pax (first version) and a Desktop Arizer Exteme Q.
I used them last week to compare and I can say that, at least my perception is that I get more flavor out of Haze than from my other two units.
The first draw you not get really much visible vapor, but the flavor is really intense and pure.
One thing to have in mind is that you should really wait like 30~40 seconds between draws. This way, at least me and my other half, got perfect draws.
I am still learning the best packing / screen / set / draw to use, but so far the experience has been awesome. This is a very forgiving unit.
I've been using it always on the temperature 2, will also check other temperatures.
Thanks A LOT scott for the all the help and awesome support. Big congratulations for all the Haze team (engineers, desingers, etc). You guys nailed it. This product is really good.
Thanks again