All is good since MV1!!!!! Hope you have been doing well.yourself.....this is where we.should have been instead of Haze...even with issues it seemed.still to function better than Square on a good
Doing well man! The MV1 is a vapor producer. I love it! The flavor is on point for a convection vape. I would honestly say the Haze has it beat in terpene flavor just BARELY. However, the Haze is the most complicated draw with hardly any vapor most times, and the most pain in the ass cleaning process of any vape I've ever used. With all the ongoing issues since the Square launch I'm not surprised Haze went belly-up, they must have been bleeding money with returns and warranty exchanges. I am pissed because I was hopeful for a "free" V2 upgrade being an early adopter.... that's clearly out the window!
Anyways, I digress. The Ghost is frikking crazy cool. Swappable batteries, super easy to clean, pod system make its just as fast to swap pods as the Haze was, super effecient and fully extracts dry herbs with ZERO stir for me, and customer service that is more on point than anything else I own - vaporizer or not! Instant service and replies and amazing CS.
I also want to give a shout out to Cream City Vapes where I bought it. Dan (the owner) is frikking awesome and they also do right by their customers every time.
I'm a Ghost MV1 user for good, and a huge fan of Cream City Vapes for their amazing CS and bundle pricing!
Now... time to toast a few crucibles and kick this day in the nuts!