Silly rabbit trips are for kids

Finally received all my parts from China and found the time to finish assembling my FrankenVape vape station for my Focus vaporizers.
Here are some pics:

It's alive!!!

This glow is really UV not blue, and glows radioactive green when off.

A closer look at the front.

And the back...

The insides before final assembly.
And some specs:
Runs from any 12V 10A or greater battery, or power supply. Or from the 3x 3000mah internal 18650 batteries.
Voltmeter showing voltage going to the vaporizer, and internal battery voltage if using them.
If using 12V supply there is the option of charging the internal batteries, 1x external 18650 in the battery holder on the back of the unit and a dual usb jack on the side for charging a Focus and phone or other usb devices up to 2A.
From either the internal batteries or external 12V supply there is use of a Bluetooth amp and UV lights with an RF controller and 8 special effects.
Happy holidays everyone!!!