On the charger: 12V, and at least 3.5Amps?
Think in watts
@Stark1 - Ideally the Flix has a range. For the full monty, you want what 120 watts? The variable brick is 12v @ 10 amps which means it will toast your cap mightily or it can gently bake the bread. But if a gentle baking is what you want, and you find yourself cooking at around 9 volts, You might be able to use a much lighter brick of say 96 watts or like me, a 65 watt brick (which is actually limited to 77 watts). I am finding a 60 watt bake to be very pleasant. I'm also finding that when it comes to power bricks, size matters to the user. I'm one of those. This is where batteries have all kinds of advantages.
And the correct term is power source or power adapter as the charger implies batteries and negates the power required to operate the device.

Fuck! That sounded like it came right out of a manual, didn't it!
So a couple of notes on this subject:
At full power (12.6VDC) the Flix heater will draw around 93 watts. You can run it with much less power than that, as
@TommyDee explained, if you reduce the operating voltage, and most users will probably find that they enjoy a mix of both low and regular voltage use. For example, you might enjoy starting a bowl at 8V for a heating cycle or two, then 10V, then 12V, or something similar.
The other thing to keep in mind is the safety note I mentioned earlier regarding the Flix's fuses: Due to the way fuses work,
a fuse will only blow when the power being demanded through it exceeds the power level for which it is rated. The fuse's power rating doesn't change just because you are using less voltage, and a 9A fuse still needs more than 9A of current to trip. In practical terms, this means you can't blow the Flix's 8.5A fuse with a 6A power supply. If you are using a PSU that is incapable of outputting at least 10A of power and there's a short circuit,
something else will act as the fuse in that situation.
I don’t think he is doing a waiting list for the Flix, unless I missed something?
Correct - I am not doing a waiting list for the Flix. You can sign up for email notification
here (
https://fluxerheaters.com/flix), and I'll let you know when they go on sale - I have not sent any info via that link yet, but expect to begin doing so this week.
In broad terms, my plan is to open a store on my web site, make the Flix in batches, and then sell them through this store. The first batch I put up for sale will be 30-60 heaters (need to see how well things scale), with 5-10 in each color. I'll see how that goes, and re-evaluate and adjust my plans as necessary. I also plan on offering some Flux Deluxe heaters through the store, too - I have a few Standard models that were ordered but never paid for, plus a small box of blemished cases that would become blemished heaters and sold through the web store. Now that the technical issues with the Flix are resolved - fingers crossed - standing up the store is the next task I need to complete before I can start selling Flixes. I expect to post more details on how this store and process will work within a few days. Thanks for your patience.
I feel like I'm wearing a lot of hats at the moment, lol...