Hi all,
Thank you again for your
incredible support!

You folks bought
a lot of Fluxer heaters on Friday and Saturday! Thanks!
In a shock to no one,
I am now up to me eyeballs in stuff to do: I have sales orders to process, payment requests to generate, emails to answer, and of course a lot of heaters yet to build. Thank you!

This is what you can expect this week:
I am going to tackle these tasks in several waves instead of trying to complete them serially. This means I am processing and building some orders now, and will process and build others tomorrow, etc., spreading the processing and sending of payment requests for my remaining orders from this sale and the heaters I've committed to building over PM across the remainder of the week. There's just a lot to do, and too much to complete at once. As the saying goes, "I need to eat the elephant one bite at at time."
I've sent out most of my payment request emails with totals and instructions for payment, but I still have 10+ more to send.
I haven't forgotten these and will complete processing these remaining orders as soon as I make room in my queues.
I sent out the first batch of payment requests last night/this morning -
thank you in advance!! - and I will work on completing and shipping the heaters for those requests as the payments are received.
That's also the plan for the rest of the week, or until these orders are finished and shipped. "Lather, rinse, and repeat."
I would like to get through my current queue(s) by Friday, if possible. That may be ambitious, so expect another update in a day or two with a more accurate estimate.
I'll be back with more if I can complete what I've already agreed to ship in the time I have left. That sounds pretty dire when phrased that way, doesn't it?
Anyway, that's the Fluxer plan on this Monday. I'll be back with more updates as we get deeper into the week.