Jeff, I love my new FlipV2! Works flawlessly in its first week use with my 2020M and OmniXL. Build quality and appearance are top notch!You can use some iso on it if it needs to be cleaned, @dynavapmuser. You won't hurt it with iso, but be aware that some stronger solvents have the potential to damage the silk screen text on the PCB.
Some Fluxer updates:
I am finally ready to begin shipping some heaters from the batch that dropped earlier this month. Thanks for your patience! There are a lot to ship and it will take me into next week to complete them, package them, buy shipping labels, etc., but they are finally beginning to leave the shop. Huzzah!
I still need to send payment requests to a few people. Please check in with me if this sounds like your situation and we haven't exchanged a PM or email about your heater recently.
I am still waiting on payments from some folks as well, so if you meant to send in a check or money order and have not yet done so, please send it ASAP.
Finally, I still need to complete payment arrangements with a few international customers. I'll be doing that today and tomorrow, and am sorry this has been delayed.
Between the batch that dropped 12 days ago and the other heaters I committed to building over PM and email, I have been absolutely buried in work.Thank you for your overwhelming support! The volume of work and the need for urgency have been challenging, and I've been putting in longer hours to get everything done in time, and it's still taking forever. Thanks for being patient. (And in a shock to no one, I've discovered that manual payment processing is very time consuming! I fully understand why people pay 3% or more to have someone else do it for them.
The last few weeks have been a grind, but the deadline is looming and the finish line isn't too far ahead. I gave myself some extra margin to ship heaters and I expect I will need it. I will ship all paid heaters from the present batch by March 26. After March 26, I will take a break from shipping new heaters until I have a better sense of the legality of selling and shipping these things under the new regulations. I admit I'm being cautious, but that's how I roll sometimes. I'll be happy to jump back in as soon as I'm sure it is legal for me to do so.
Some have asked if I'll have more heaters for sale before the 26th, and in all honesty I'm not sure I'll have the time to turn more around. I'll give an update on the potential for more on Friday.
That's the latest. Thanks!
Help! My Flite won't power up unless it's attached to the charger. I ran it all the way down yesterday, and I charged the batteries in my Nitecore charger. When I put the batteries back in, it wouldn't turn on until I plugged in the charger. Now it works when it's plugged in, but not otherwise.
This isn't the first time it's failed to power up after a full discharge and external recharge, but when it's done this before it stayed on after I connected then removed the charger. So I was expecting the symptom, but I also expected to be able to correct it.
Coincidentally, I intended this cycle as a charging test, because I don't believe the onboard charging is reaching the same level as the Nitecore. So I tested the batteries before they went back in, and they're all a full 4.2 volts. I'll admit, I was also curious about this shut-down bug, but now curiosity has killed the Flite.
Any advice? I think Jeff is a little busy for repairs at the moment.
I have been totally thrilled with my FlixV2. Functionality, build quality and form factor (it looks very high quality!!!) are excellent. I am anxiously awaiting the build of new 18650 units, so I can order one for on the go! (I think Im on that mailing list!?)Hi all,
Thank you again for your incredible support!You folks bought a lot of Fluxer heaters on Friday and Saturday! Thanks!
In a shock to no one, I am now up to me eyeballs in stuff to do: I have sales orders to process, payment requests to generate, emails to answer, and of course a lot of heaters yet to build. Thank you!Also:
This is what you can expect this week:
I am going to tackle these tasks in several waves instead of trying to complete them serially. This means I am processing and building some orders now, and will process and build others tomorrow, etc., spreading the processing and sending of payment requests for my remaining orders from this sale and the heaters I've committed to building over PM across the remainder of the week. There's just a lot to do, and too much to complete at once. As the saying goes, "I need to eat the elephant one bite at at time."
I've sent out most of my payment request emails with totals and instructions for payment, but I still have 10+ more to send. I haven't forgotten these and will complete processing these remaining orders as soon as I make room in my queues.
I sent out the first batch of payment requests last night/this morning - thank you in advance!! - and I will work on completing and shipping the heaters for those requests as the payments are received.
That's also the plan for the rest of the week, or until these orders are finished and shipped. "Lather, rinse, and repeat."
I would like to get through my current queue(s) by Friday, if possible. That may be ambitious, so expect another update in a day or two with a more accurate estimate.
I'll be back with more if I can complete what I've already agreed to ship in the time I have left. That sounds pretty dire when phrased that way, doesn't it?
Anyway, that's the Fluxer plan on this Monday. I'll be back with more updates as we get deeper into the week.
Don’t count on the mailing list. Go back a couple pages in this thread and read where things stand.I have been totally thrilled with my FlixV2. Functionality, build quality and form factor (it looks very high quality!!!) are excellent. I am anxiously awaiting the build of new 18650 units, so I can order one for on the go! (I think Im on that mailing list!?)
Best, Robb
If you are running one vapcap at a time I have serious doubts you could overheat the unit. I know I have never had a problem.Anxiously waiting on my flix to arrive today! One question I was hoping someone could possibly help me with. I noticed that the manual online says that the flix is recommended to not be operated continuously for more than 10 seconds. If using a variable power supply at lower voltage, would the 10 second recommendation no longer apply? Just wanted to be sure before I get my hands on it. TIA!
Anxiously waiting on my flix to arrive today! One question I was hoping someone could possibly help me with. I noticed that the manual online says that the flix is recommended to not be operated continuously for more than 10 seconds. If using a variable power supply at lower voltage, would the 10 second recommendation no longer apply? Just wanted to be sure before I get my hands on it. TIA!
Hopefully, assuming Dynavap is still shipping their own IH after the “mail ban”, Jeff/Fluxer will be back in full.
flix v2 arrived today, fit n finish just as great as the flix v1 i had gotten. Really like the knob i chose, metal on the right side for the pwm.
Only question, will play with tonight so will likely figure out. I read the manual which shows the position, but i am assuming that is more for if i were to open and set pwm, kinda like with the flite. Is this guess correct, with the power switch facing me, and the bowl facing away. If the knob is completely turned towards me i feel like it gives some at the end so thinking this is off, then i would just need to turn it about 50, 75 and 100% to hit those numbers like the manual?
Hopefully that makes sense, if not will figure out tonight when i do some empty test runs to see when/how long till it clicks.
Damn straight. I’ll expect that V3 to start shipping May 1st.The arc of the Flix's PWM knob begins with an on/off switch, then moves from "low percentage on" to "high percent on", and finally lands on "fully on". If I have the opportunity to revise the QS guide, I'll make this clearer.
The Flix's PWM requires you to turn the PWM off to return to full power mode. The Flite has a different mode switch that allows you to set the PWM to one position and leave it there. Hopefully that explanation helps?
BTW, while it would have been nice to have a similar mechanism on the Flix, I had enough trouble just getting the PWM to function as an optional module (!), so the better solution will need to wait for a v3 or something![]()
Thanks so much for confirming. Just wanted to be sure.The online manual is still for v1; I've removed that warning from the v2 Quick Start guide. Flix v2 has more robust components and a much lower thermal signature for the MOSFETs, and it can tolerate extended heating times of >30 seconds, such as you might encounter with PWM. Sorry for not updating the online document - the Flix v2 roll out would have gotten a lot more fanfare and attention if it weren't for this PACT shit.
In case this was overlooked; Remember that you can tune the full power level of the Flite with a few hardware tweaks. Once you get to know the heater, Jeff will be happy to help you tune it to perfection even without PWM.Flite # 89 checking in, just arrived today. Just beautiful, both the simple form on the outside and the circuit design and component organization within.
My initial though was it runs a little hot, went to dark brown ABV in one cycle. Then I turned on PMW. All good now.