I have been on the waiting list for a Flux Deluxe for almost a year. Now I am ready to buy the Flite as soon as it is available. I have been checking this forum daily to
see price and availability. Sounds like ordering the Flite will be first come, first served which is a bit disappointing given my long wait for the Flux Deluxe.
@swieder711 - Thank you for your comment. One of the lessons I've learned the hard way with the FD is that although a waiting list can manage a queue, it creates it own issues, especially a need for a lot of additional back-and-forth communication for each sale I make. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy interacting with folks and am not some antisocial cave dweller -
- but the waiting list adds a lot of steps for me, taking extra time, and there's only one of me. The extra correspondence and administrative overhead required to use the waiting list delays things too much. 'It grinds too fine,' to borrow an analogy.

It's hard being a budding industrialist, and I wish I were a better at it. Despite the recent engineering and testing help from
@TommyDee , Fluxer Heaters is still basically a 'one man band' operation, and I feel a need to point out that my shop shares space in our garage with our washer and clothes dryer. My Fluxer time is spread thin as it is, and I want to spent as much of it as possible making heaters, not managing a database. Fairness is important, but so is output.
My decision to sell the Flite first some, first served (FCFS) is a direct result of struggling with the FD waiting list for the last two years. I have found it challenging enough to manage one waiting list, and I don't have the time or patience to manage two. I want to get these heaters into people's hands as quickly as possible. I know am the bottleneck at almost every stage of this operation, but I've found the waiting list has been a source of additional delay. I want to sell Flite without a waiting list. I'll fall back and re-think things it it's a fiasco, but my sales plan is FCFS, at least for now.
I'll be sharing Flite's feature and pricing info later today.
I plan to begin selling them on Friday, December 18 (the day after tomorrow).
For the Flite,
@mr_cfromcali announced around 240 available units; you’ll probably be able to get one even if you react few days after the launch. And I guess you’re still on the Flux waitlist, so no real loss here.
Thanks for responding,
@kairos !
I try to be transparent in my build process, as I know people like to know how things are made. So i wantto clarify my numbers, my process, and set expectations for how long it will take to get a Flite once I begin selling them.
I have ~240 Flite cases in my shop at the moment. I recently learned that my vendor has another 100+ similar* cases in his warehouse, and I can p-purchase these if I need them before I'm able to resupply from the factory. FWIW, the factory is
very happy to make more cases for me when I'm ready to order. Their turnaround time during the pandemic has been about two months, though, so a re-order isn't instant gratification. If sales get off to a strong start I'll place another order soon, otherwise I'll wait and see.
Now, although I do have the 240 cases, I have 'only' prepped about 75 of those so far. I have 160 to go, which will take some time to finish.
Turning to the Flite's circuit boards, the Flite uses two PCBs: a main heater PCB, and a smaller 'control panel' PCB:
During development, I have been ordering these in small batches as we have worked to stabilize the design, as there's no point in buying 200 of something until you are certain it is correct. We now have a final design (or more properly, an initial release

), so I've ordered more of the final design and have begun soldering them in quantity.
I've soldered the ~30 pairs of these I have on hand (heater PCBs below)
I have another 150 of each PCB on the way. The boards arrive bare, so once they get here I'll need to solder them. Soldering is a multi-step process and involves both bake-in-the-oven SMD soldering as well as traditional through-hole soldering with an iron. It takes some time to complete.
As I review the other items needed to make a Flite, I should also mention that I
finally found a good source for glass inserts!

I've ordered 350x of the 15mm inserts I will need for Flite and Flix, plus another 150x of the16mm inserts for the Flix. The first of the 15mm inserts arrived yesterday, and I couldn't be happier! I don't mind cutting glass, but others are better at it and there are better ways to use my time.
Those are the steps I have been taking pre-launch, in preparation for what I hope is a strong demand for this new portable heater. I won't be able to fulfill your orders instantly, but I have enough parts on hand to make several hundred Flite, and have the supply chain lined up to make more if there is demand for them. That's the best this budding industrialist can do at this time.
I'll be back with some video, some new feature info (

) and the all-important pricing details later this afternoon or tonight, as soon as I can wrap it up.
Thanks for your support! More to come!
Updated: Broken images replaced. Sorry I can't resize them.