@mr_cfromcali - How is the Flite coming along?
@slowandsteady , it's coming along GREAT, and in fact, it's just about ready to go! The last parts are due to arrive Tuesday/Wednesday, so as long as nothing gets delayed,
I expect to begin selling the Flite next week - probably Thursday or Friday. I will be selling it through my web store:
Although the development is done, I still have some final tasks I'm working through to push these out the door: I need to make a new video, I need to update my web site with Flite info, and I need to finish the Quick Start Guide, but the device is DONE, and it works extremely well.
@TommyDee and I are very proud of this little guy, and we think a lot of you will like it, too!
I have ~240 Flite cases on hand, so at the moment that's the quantity that will be available. The heaters I build with this first shipment of cases won't all be available at once, but I will do my best to roll them out quickly. I have a head start on a number of tasks, and have outsourced a few new ones, and I'll share more info on my process as it falls into place. I will order another run of cases as soon as I sense there's enough demand for it. (I think there will be, but it's a several thousand dollar commitment, so I don't want to assume.)
I will share all of the important info before Monday, as soon as I finsh writing it up: - pricing, how to order, what's included, an explanation of the available options (

) - shipping info, etc.
I'll leave you with a picture from last night. This is my first batch of Flite "control panel" PCBs, freshly removed from the reflow soldering oven:
More to come.