I did try cleaning it but I'll try again. It's on the outside, on the gray section. It's evenly scratched all the way around nearly the bottom of the lid . It seems like there is a slight gap between the lid and middle section but I don't know what else would create a mark other than the rotation of the top piece.
Shoot, sorry to hear this.
We've seen some scratching on the outside before. If it's very light, they may rub off. As the surfaces wear into each other, they can leave an 'anodizing scratch" for lack of better words.
If it doesn't wipe off, it's usually caused by a small burr (manufacturing defect) on the inside lid of the top handle rubbing the body. One other way that seems to cause it is when the center-rod and screw aren't sitting centered in the mill-plate. There's a shallow recess that centers the rod, and it can be assembled so it's sitting crooked, and it causes excessive wear on the outer body.
Just some extra info for anyone reading this! We do have a record of all of these issues, and plan on addressing any unexpected engineering issues we find.
So just let me know if it comes off. Snap a pic if you can, too. If it doesn't I'd be happy to get you some Warranty parts shipped out.