For someone who has primarily experienced combustion weed, the flavor of the that first draw was amazing!! no burning!! Everything feels newFlashvape gets all the good points.
How important it is to grind the weed?
On average,...How long do you guys hold the vapor in?
Last weekend a friend and I did some experiments along these lines. It wasn't intended to be an experiment about grinding, though, it was about hash.
I'll bet you've been saying to yourself, "Yes, the FlashVAPE can do buds in the blink of an eye, but can it do hash?" I know I did right up until Saturday night, when a fellow FCer dropped over with some Afghani red. This friend of mine can out himself here if he likes, but for now I'll use a code name. Let's call him Kief Boy.
KB likes low temperature vapour and usually uses a bubbler with a Herbalaire. I was just as curious about how he'd take to the FV as I was about its ability to do hash. I even broke out my best glass and rigged a connection to the FV:

We didn't really need it, since the FV is already smooth and tasty without filtration. I was quite pleased that KB took to the FV right away. He liked the look and the feel, but I think he fell in love at the first hit. KB also uses the MFLB so he understood how to use the FV without any coaching.
Our goal for the evening was to evaluate the ability of the FV to do traditional middle eastern hash, so for our first attempt we picked off a few little crumbs and dropped them in the FV. We speculated that it would take a lot more heating to get vapour and we were right. We had to hold the power on for about 11 seconds before we got much vapour, although there was light production starting at around 8 or 9. True to its nature, at 12 seconds the FV hit combustion, so the window is pretty small.
We figured that thin slices would work better and we were right. To be honest, by the time we got around to trying this we were getting pretty baked so I can't remember exactly what the timings were (we were both lamenting that we weren't writing this stuff down) but I can tell you that the FV can do pressed hash nicely.
Now to the original point here: KB uses a Herbalaire and that thing vapourizes whole nuggets without breaking a sweat. That gave us the idea to try a whole unground bud in the FV. While it isn't something I'd recommend, I'm pleased to report that the FV can indeed give you decent vapour from completely whole buds. It toasted the outside nicely and even penetrated a little. After a few hits (3-4 maybe, ts;lc*) we took it out and crumbled it to finish it off. It isn't as thorough as the HA by any means, but we concluded that if you want to, you definitely can use unground bud in the FV.
* too stoned; lost count