Black Sharpie.One other minor nitpick is that I would have preferred no logo on the FV advertising that it is a vape - that would make it more stealth. But I do understand the need to create brand recognition.
So I'm using the "paint brush technique" and it cleans everything it can but I'm still having to clean the top screen with a qtip and iso like every other day. Anyone else go through about a gram a day and notice the same?
So I'm using the "paint brush technique" and it cleans everything it can but I'm still having to clean the top screen with a qtip and iso like every other day. Anyone else go through about a gram a day and notice the same?
Nope. I hardly ever sweep the top and it works fine. If I think it is clogging, I just sweep it off and dip in ISO.
Oh so your saying try not cleaning it after a bowl? That's interesting, maybe the act of brushing forces bits into the screen clogging it sooner?
Nope. I hardly ever sweep the top and it works fine. If I think it is clogging, I just sweep it off and dip in ISO.
Oh so your saying try not cleaning it after a bowl? That's interesting, maybe the act of brushing forces bits into the screen clogging it sooner?
Do you use as much as me? (lots of 0.2g seshs)Nope. I hardly ever sweep the top and it works fine.'re packing it full? That sounds like a ton of weed!'re packing it full? That sounds like a ton of weed!
I pack mine as full as it will allow usually.
La la la I can't hear you!Full means the middle of the bowl![]()'re packing it full? That sounds like a ton of weed!
I knew Tweek's Indian name was "Ton of Weed" but I never realized there was more of them than him? Boy we're in big trouble now, aren't we? Just how many of them are there?
I actually like that oneI grew up not far from a reserve, so most of my friends were Ojibway and Cree. The best name they could come up with was "Big Guy"
Finally got our website back up and running again!!
So now I'll finally have some time to catch up on all the action missed here... lets see.....