So I'm finally ready to report back . I've had the Elevape for over a week now . I've had a good chance to use it at home during the holidays and in my regular work day routine this week . Hands down this vape is a winner !!! I've owned pretty much every portable vape worth using in the last two months and the only thing that I' didn't resell on ebay was a Air and a crafty , If I don't like something I don't waste my time on it , I count my losses and move on . This vape fits so perfectly into my rotation and serves such a specific function . However , I did NOT love this thing at first

. please let me give you guys the rundown >>>
Upon receiving the elevape I opened and charged it . I was pretty amazed at how tiny the thing is , Its so tiny and stealthy the crafty and air both look huge charging next to it . The thing is a little tank in your hand its basically a solid chunk of aluminum so no chance of breaking it . First use with it I used the stock settings I had pre downloaded the app but figured I'd just try it on 1 first . First hit was bad no vapor and bad aluminum taste . It tasted like inside of a can or something . tried a couple more hits on 1 with very little success put it up to 2 setting and I started to get little puffs of vapor tiny . I looked inside , my load was all still green like it had not been touched . So I went to 3 setting and finally a little wispy hit , then another . At this point I knew it was only the first bowl ,and I didn't try the app yet, or even know the temps. So I looked at the app ,and it said temps were 315 345 380 ? those temps sounded great to me especially if in Vape Dr's video he was getting such nice hits at low temps. I should also mention this was with trying to hit it every way imaginable slow-fast you name it .Also cranking the stirring lid every hit and then some
So I decided to open the unit up because I figured it must be the coil position. I also wiped down the pieces with alcohol to see if that helped the weird taste . The coil did not look the same position or angle as Vape dr's picture . So I moved it down , angled it forward just a tad and got ready to try again . This time I got a tiny little puff on setting 1 , better on setting 2, a actual cloud on setting 3, and the weird taste was GONE

. So I finally got it to work ,but at this point I am NOT impressed . Basically setting 3 was the only thing giving me a decent hit which wasn't even that great it was pretty wispy . I knew 380 should be more than high enough from reading other peoples temp settings on this thread . So I thought maybe the coil is bad that was sent with the unit . I ordered an extra 4 pack of coils with my elevape so I took out a spare and swapped it out. I positioned it just like Vape dr's and loaded it up with a fresh ground load . Basically same results

I was ready to pack this thing up and sell it on ebay ,but I couldn't get over that Vape dr video and how
well it worked ,so I decided to watch it again .
This is where I found my problem 
. In the Video It shows him load it up by dumping his flower from a doob tube . It is a very fine powdery grind . I thought my space case 4 piece grinder was pretty fine ,but his grind just looked like powder falling out of that tube in the video. So I broke out my volcano 2 piece grinder that I got with the crafty . I made a super fine grind and packed up the elevape one last time . I took a hit and HOLY SHIT !!! I got the biggest sweetest lung busting cloud of vapor

. The temp was still at setting 3 so 380 first hit

. It made me cough it was such a fast unexpected big hit after such a disappointing first few bowls . I finished the rest of the load at 380 it was about 10 or so hits , the first 4 or 5 being very flavorful , the last few were not bad either ,much more tolerable than the last hits of some other vapes . The ABV was pretty even ,but I had been opening the lid a lot and checking the progress through the hits so between my inspection and the stirring lid there was a lot of stirring on this first working load.
Now that I knew the problem all along was my grind I loaded up another bowl of the powdery grind and started changing the temp settings on the app . After 2 or 3 bowls of tweaking the settings and my draw speed I decided on my temps. I am a recent convert from combusting so I find I am more of a high temp vapor . So my temps are probably a little higher than most at 375- 390 - 410 . I have the unit setup so the higher temp settings along with my fast draw speed let me whip the elevape out of my pocket take one or two fast big medicating hit's and put it away . I can finish a bowl on these settings in about 10 hits ,no stirring I just crank the stir lid a quick turn before every hit , its so fast and easy . The ABV a very nice brown just like the crafty and air.
Now that I have the unit setup to my liking I'm using it more and more . It really is becoming my go-to favorite vape in my line up . When I combusted I always had a pipe with a swivel lid loaded in my pocket with a lighter ready to go . This vape is the closest thing on the market to that . The fact that no lighter is needed and no smell means this is faster and stealthier than the pipe/lighter setup could ever be . I've been sneaking hits with this thing at times and places I never thought possible . All I have in my pocket is the elevape and a tiny doob tube of super fine grind . I think having the elevape and a good session portable is the perfect combination, and really all you need for your portable needs. Sometimes you just don't have the time to wait for something to heat up and then have a session . I noticed when I only had the session style vapes my consumption went up quite a bit because when I only needed a hit or two I was having a full session . When I'm with friends or relaxing watching tv , I'm picking the crafty or air .Everything else when I'm on the go and need to medicate fast and get on with what I'm doing its been elevape .As of right now if I lost one of three the elevape would be most missed since the crafty and air are both so similar . This thing is just really fitting into my routine that well
My suggestions to anyone considering purchasing the elevape >>>
- The stirring lid is a must , I think it should be included with the unit it works so well .Its only $10 though so not a big deal
-Buy an extra pack of chamber lid screens , When you use the stirring lid only the outer perimeter of the screen gets used and it gets pretty clogged up after a full days use (about 5 loads). At the end of the day I just swap it out with a new one and put the old one in a small cup of alcohol . The stirring lid lets you swap out the screen with no screwdriver just your fingers so its very fast and easy . I have 7 lid screens so when I get to the last one I dump the old ones out of the cup and they are brand new again ready for rotation .
-Buy an extra set of coils , a 4 pack is only $10 . I think having extra coils on hand is a no brainer . I'm glad I had them when I thought my first coil was bad (even though I think was just the grind in the end )
-Have a 2 piece grinder ,4 piece just doesn't cut it . I really hate 2 piece grinders because I just feel they are messy and I like to collect pollen from a 4 piece . However this vape needs a very fine grind so 2 piece is a must . I just ordered a 3 piece so I can turn it upside down get my fine grind I need and then turn it over and collect it in the bottom so it should be a little less messy than the 2piece .
-Little doob tubes, bead storage tubes work great loading this thing fast . You can get a 10 pack of bead storage tubes on ebay for like $3 , VERY convenient with the fine grind needed .
- Be prepared to tinker with this thing for a little bit when you get it . I really think the temps are just kinda guidelines . I think the temp is going to vary by coil distance/position , draw speed etc . So think of the temps as low,med,high not the actual temp degree per say .
-Have a very small flathead eyeglass screwdriver on hand for coil adjustment ,this should be but is NOT included .
- The current version of the app on Ipuff website is old . You need to contact Ipuff directly to send you the most current version of the app to download
-The orange crafty pick tool from s&B is the perfect companion for this thing . It is high temp plastic so it does not stick to the magnets and the elevape like a good tamp on top, the flat spot on the crafty pick is perfect size for this . I think a 5 pack is like $6 well worth it !
I forgot to add that I think the flavor of this vape is top notch . I think the first 3 hits from this unit are better than the first three from crafty or air . Especially the first hit , Really the only thing comparable to that first big burst of flavor hit is the firefly IMHO . Firefly has the first 3 hits of elevape beat hands down , but I'll have those first 3 hits done before you even finish your second on the fly

Also battery is like pretty freeking amazing on this thing . It lasts me like 4 - 5 bowls and charges very nicely off my 2a output power bank .I think the usb charging,speed ,size and stealth of this thing make it a clear winner over the slightly better tasting more elegant firefly ,but that is for my needs . The firefly is probably the most comparable to this vape ,but having owned both they are so much different .