@natural farmer That is a great question.

I can't truly answer that for you not knowing the temps you vape at.
However, on the lowest setting on the ESV (305F) compared to 340F on the crafty (my setting) they are quite evenly matched but the Crafty has a bit more vapor IMO.
The Craftys edge is unlimited draw time and it has a slightly larger chamber.
With the ESV you have an 8 sec draw.
With the Crafty, you can draw as long as you want.
To me this is not an issue, I take 8-10 second draws which is on spot with the ESV.
The ESVs edge is it has better battery life, couldn't be easier to use, and is more efficient/conservative IMO.
Crafty heat up to 340F is 1:37.

ESV heat up time to any temp is zero...this is huge for me.
I grab my ESV over my Crafty personally.
@Kofa You are quite welcome for the video! I hope everyone enjoyed it!
I'm sure you could easily put much less (as well as much more) in the ESV than I normally do with excellent results.
I like to pack the chamber fluffy and have an instant one hitter on hand anytime you want a draw with the best possible flavor every time.
I found what works best for me and I love the results.
I'm sure if you increase the temperatures of the ESV you could produce much larger clouds with just a teeny tiny bit though.
@DormVapin The only "portable" if you consider it portable that would stack up to a desktop vape would be the Minivap IMO.
The ESV and the EVO are two totally different beasts, but both are awesome!
@Shit Snacks, adding another fine screen to the bottom (under the silver ring) will keep your ESV much much cleaner. It will also be a bit cooler, so you might have to up the temps a notch or 2 depending on your temps.