Vape Dr.
Well-Known Member
I think I don't talk much in here because... it works.
I'm still on my first bottom screen, first coil, first ... well, I do have more mouthpiece screens, and lid screens, than I did before (thanks, Joe!). I've updated to the PC software app that has the temps listed, so that's been fun.
I rarely stir my bowls, to be honest. After three or four heavy pulls (5 or 6 if I'm at 325F), I might open the lid, poke my fingernail in there and shift things about a bit, to see if anything looks too charred, then I just replace the lid and continue.
I use this thing heavily for out-and-about, and for my medication break(s) at work. At home, I have a couple of heavy hitters, so I rarely use it. I plug it in most evenings, and toss it in my purse in the morning.
Best part of this vape, is I can TOSS IT IN MY PURSE. Sure, it weighs a small demi-ton, but it's unbreakable, for all intents & purposes. Nothing I have to worry about scratching, or losing (except the mouthpiece, and I fixed that!), or dumping anything out.
How I fixed the mouthpiece: I have some other little screens (could actually be the old style screens from my Nano!) that are just a bit larger than the stock screens from Elevape. I use the mouthpiece to force the larger screen to bend enough to go in the hole, then I seat the mouthpiece very firmly... and the wiggle is gone! it's not trying to fall out anymore. I think my mouthpiece hole tolerance is at the largest, and the mouthpiece itself is the opposite. sigh.
I'd love to see better, nicer, and/or custom mouthpieces for this. Not sure what, no. Maybe colors? glass for purists? wood? I'd Love wood, but it's such a small item.
Anyway, there you go. I did just clean up my ESV this afternoon, after coming home from work. I took it all apart (no, not the electronics part, duh), and washed the pieces in dishsoap and water, dried them, put them all back together (fresh screens), and there it is. Easy as can be. Nothing special required. I do really like it.
Awesome! @Enchantre thanks for sharing!
I did "customize" my mouthpiece as well.
The ESV uses a 10mm mouth tip. Most E-cig or W9 tech tips are 8mm.
I found a stubby 8mm tip.

I wrapped a small piece of silicon around the mouthpiece and sandwiched it nice and tight with the screen still there!

It works awesome!