Thanks @DieHard! That looks beautiful! I really like the patterns on that wood.Here it is in the waning sunlight. The color really does kind of cure. I will take some more pics when I get a chance. It has become a bit darker and the patterns slightly more pronounced. Here's the before.
I don't think it sits perfectly flush. I was having fantastic results when I first started. Maybe it's the new surge protector I bought.
Diehard, I did the same.
Edit: what is your favorite way to use the enano? I know this beautiful wood heater has all the goods but I am just using it wrong. All my problems from user error most of the time 90%. And I am going to buy better surge protector. I want to love it because of its artistic look and reliable heater design. I am trying to get the right setup. Bought the d020 d, fc187 and some other China pieces.
Is it because I use the glass gong? My nano came with the glass gong and you can't adjust the screen. I think I should just buy adjust a gong.
Thanks NickDlow. I will ask him to make me one . This morning, we chatted over pm for a reclaim catcher, and maybe I can purchase both at one time. What is the major advantage of the carbed gong?. Someone prob told me but I forgot.You're better off getting a carbed gong from @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd.
Thanks NickDlow. I will ask him to make me one . This morning, we chatted over pm for a reclaim catcher, and maybe I can purchase both at one time. What is the major advantage of the carbed gong?. Someone prob told me but I forgot.
Thanks NickDlow. I will ask him to make me one . This morning, we chatted over pm for a reclaim catcher, and maybe I can purchase both at one time. What is the major advantage of the carbed gong?. Someone prob told me but I forgot. i remember correctly, sometime ago there was a recommendation/discussion in this thread on what adapter to get for using the nano in a car. Can't seem to find it now.
Does anyone use this in their vehicles and what adapter do you recommend?
Thnaks in advance.
Glad to help out! The thing about leaving the nano just resting on the GonG, is that almost all glass (bong or gong) has some kind of imperfection of some sort, and when millimeters make a difference, the resulting lean, however slight, can cause hot spots on the load. This can also be caused by the power cord of the nano pulling it backwards a bit. Moving it around definitely helps even out the amount of heat the entire load gets exposed to. Also, like you said, it helps a bit with the air flow.With your help EverythingsHazy,
I am back enjoying the nano. I just see all the nano videos with people leaving the nano laid on top of the bubbler. But now that I move the heater around with my hand, no more air restriction either. No more dark spots.
when I let the nano sit on the gong, I always get one side darker than the other. Is this common because the size of the heater? Or should I hold the nano while hitting?
I like using a caisen with a stopper I use to clear!The major advantage is you don't have to remove the GonG to clear.
If you're good with a vape, and patient, think you would find pretty much the same differences with strains in most vapes. nano just seems to make control and experience easier and better. For instance, I could do pretty much the same with the EQ, but was much easier when using it upside down like a log vape (serious PIA, IMO - but doable) with a non standard glass setup. The cyclone bowl and tubing seem to rob a little from an ultimate experience, or require more fine tuning. MFLB & vapman also excellent to get more pronounced differences with different strains, but takes some solid technique. So again, all strains work well with nano - and most other decent vapes - but it may take a little adjustment to get the most of what you're looking for out of any specific ones.
Really think this is related more to quality/condition of material and how your nano is set up than strain. Lots of resinheads are always better for vaping and usually indicate the actives trapped inside are more plentiful. For me, I like to get nice, heavily coated, glistening, sticky material that is cured but not too dry. I store it like that (vacuum sealed or airtight with humidity pack) and give smaller bits a little time to dry out before grinding. Depends on conditions in the room, but an hour or two in a loosely covered dish this time of year (heater season), or 1/2 hour in a piece of loosely folded paper on top of cable converter box when more humid. Or, just put in the "daily" tin that screws closed but isn't totally airtight and it will dry nicely over a day or so. I throw a gram or so in there once or twice a week and try to grind no more than what I will use in next 24 hours in a 2 piece grinder. This system works great for me as long as I use everything in the larger storage container within 4 - 6 weeks, and in the small tin within a week (5 days this time of year even better).
But, always a good idea to adjust your temp and screen to best match what you have on hand to what you are looking to get out of it (whether for condition or strain). If you do, I think you'll find any half decent or better strain will be as good as any other - even though they will have different flavor and effects. YMMV, but I find it easiest to get a feel for a new stash by using a dry stem and lower heat. I set screen at default (notch on e-pick) and use low heat in stem (usually 1 or 2 loads at 5.5), then kick heat up a bit (6) for another load to get a feel for the profile. Then, turn heat up to normal range (start at 6.25) and adjust it and screen as necessary during first sesh or two with bubbler. When trying to dial it in, I sometimes will do a couple more dry stem hits in same sesh as bubbler to try to adjust for most flavor on the GonG. I still often tweak from sesh to sesh from there depending on where I'm trying to get to, and as things dry out in daily tin over a couple days. But, the first testing with a dry stem sesh at lower temp has become a bit of a ritual. Even if I don't do it as soon as I get something new - I usually try to set parameters within a day or two. It's fun and I feel like it helps me get the most out of whatever strain or quality. Certainly nothing wrong with getting whatever you can and throwing it in there with whatever temp you like, but that is going to be different for everyone so hard to set a standard and say "this strain is awesome on nano, and that one not too good".
A beer cozy (if it fits on your glass) will keep water warmer longer, or sitting it on a coffee warmer, will keep temp up. Neither really worth it IMO. When I use hot tap water (instead of distilled) in my bubbs, I try not to let it sit in there too long anyway (because my water is pretty hard so will leave deposits). So, just dump and refill with hot water as necessary. Also... don't think it really produces more "vapor" from the vape, just more vapor coming from the hot water.
Do ppl feel that the adjust a gone is better than the all glass gong? I feel some restriction and wonder if the adjust a gong gives free air flow? Appreciate all the help you guys give me.
Is it because I use the glass gong? My nano came with the glass gong and you can't adjust the screen. I think I should just buy adjust a gong.
Your right, compare to solo I feel like I have more control with neno as I can take a draw, pull the stem out & my material is constantly not being heated which I like. What kind of adjustments are you talking about? Right now I have mostly been using my nano with the stock stem where my material sits right on top of the heating element which does leave me with crumbs on top of the heating net & inside of my nano. I stole one of my girlfriends make up brush to clean the inside of my nano which works good LOLDoes using a nano upside down work better? If I was to get a J hook would it make the over all experience any different compare to the stock stem? I haven't really used it much with water I'm still waiting to receive the right gong for my bubbler. I keep receiving the wrong order & have been waiting for the right gong for almost a month now, pretty frustrating!
. For storage I have a brand new C vault container but I haven't used it yet, don't see a point in it as my glass jar has been serving me good. How do I know how to adjust my screen and temp accordingly? What's the method behind this? Thank you for being so informative & the good advice, I appreciate it
Damn I didn't log in here for 4 days & I'm 3 pages behind!! You people move fast! LOL![]()
Heating up my nano for the first time. Just arrived after 2 days. Looks good. Hope it works just as well. Here we go!!
Do ppl feel that the adjust a gone is better than the all glass gong? I feel some restriction and wonder if the adjust a gong gives free air flow? Appreciate all the help you guys give me.
ISO nor PBW should have any impact on Silicone. I've done plenty of testing with my Silicone tapered plugs and waterpipe adapters. Including full immersion for extended periods of time, no reaction to either@flotntoke
When you clean your gong do you just soak the whole thing in iso?? Im wondering does iso and/or pbw break down and eat up the silicone??
When you clean your gong do you just soak the whole thing in iso?? Im wondering does iso and/or pbw break down and eat up the silicone??