Does anyone else find that the E-Nano power cord is far too rigid for a unit as small and light as this?
Had mine a few days now and it keeps ending up on its side due to the cables strength! Also the kinks in the cable from where its been folded in transit are a pita too, tried straightening it out but the kinks keep coming back
Anyone else had issues like this? (other than that I really like the unit btw, the flavour is amazing

Yes, it is a pita. Used to happen to me all the time. You can do what I did. Since the outlet is nearby from where I use it, there was always extra outlet kink swaying the nano. It has almost fallen off the table a few times, though once it fell straight on its side ontop of the table and made a rather loud bang, my heart stopped for a moment right there.
what I did was wrap some of the excess wire over and around 3 or four fingers until I got to the middle where the dial is. Then I used the velcro strap to secure the wrap around, if I have excess wire on the other side of the dial I would include that. So what youre left is with a wrapped up cable and the dial positioned well enough in the middle that it wont dance around. My e nano started moving around alot less after that.
an upside to that is that I dont have to wrap the chord up when Im done, I just put my adapter followed by the nano and then The pre wrapped chord in the beige bag it came with. No fuss.
What really kept it in place though, are the e nano holders from the epic site. I ordered an aluminum one and it has pretty good weight and depth so that the e nano does move anywhere. Plus there is a place to secure the end of the chord that plugs into the unit. Ontop of that, since I use the e nano near my sink because thats where the stupid outlets are at, that area always seems to be wet and have alot of moisture all around. So it kinda puts my nano in a safe position where Im not constantly worrying if its going to get close to the wet.
I know it sucks to keep buying stuff as add ons, but I think that e nano metal base stand is almost vital. As time goes on I have notice the chord get more relaxed and the kinks straighten out.
if you need a pic to see how everything looks. Let me know. I can post it.