You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
Nice! Inexpensive and useful... I use a swivel jewelry box that I keep screens, keck clips, dab containers, etc. like this one:I installed a hook on the side of my desk to take the weight of the cord. I don't have problems with the nano falling over or getting pulled off.

The open bottom allows me to keep the temp dial in place on top of my bar. Saved me from drilling a hole in the bar, though this option still intrigues me for my future setup. A few people thought the vape was attached or included with this box until I picked it up and showed them.
Now I just need to order one of these beauties!!!I agree that a stand is the only way to fly. While spending another 30 bucks hurts a bit, the Nano has such a reasonable price, and with the FC discount the whole combo only cost me a little over 200. I do sometimes find it a bit tricky to get the Nano on and off the stand, but otherwise I couldn't live without it.
The maple stand and maple Nano make a nice match, and even Cooper in the background is nicely color-coordinated.