Do you not use cotton or anything? I never put hash straight into a vaporizer cause it always sticks to everything, if you don't use cotton I would love to know how you avoid this.I've not been in the thread for a while but I've seen speak of hash.
I bong quite a lot of hash with my nano and my method is this...
If the hash is soft just flatten some thin sausages as much as possible and curl them into the gong. If the hash is hard then either lightly burn and crumble or grate/crush roughly (you can chuck lumps though, Just more heat and breaking with the epik). The first hit will break the bonds of the hash, it won't give much vapour but will taste amazing. I then use the epik to stir and break the hash and the next hits will be massive. one last stir and a hit then it's in the ABV jar. I sit around 7.5-8.5 depending. At 8.5 the last hit can start tasting a bit acrid but once I taste this i end the session.
Love my nano, It's the only desktop I've got and the only one I feel I need. The anti-VAS machine.

Combusted a bowl last night, that was not nice. Can't wait to get more stems and GonGs.