Very good news!I think I read something (maybe my imagination) that the newer thicker glass gong's will fit in an Arizer Solo? Curious, as i'm thinking of picking up a Solo, and using my Nano adjustable gong would be great in the Solo too.
Very good news!
Not confirmed, which is why i'm asking. Anyone with a newer thicker glass gong also have a Solo that can try? The Planet Vape gong are always out of stock and this would also save about $25!
I see from your sig that you own several vapes, and as someone who lives in India (which makes shipping time long, and customs possibly even longer) and hasn't owned anything other than an MFLB (which he doesn't, currently) and, most importantly, was hospitalized for months due to a long bout of tuberculosis that was intensified (if not brought on) by excessive smoking a couple of years ago before switching to vaporizing (which has quite literally transformed and perhaps saved my life), I hope you realize that my perspective is quite different from yours. You're probably fortunate enough that you don't have to go through a situation like this, that when you're waiting for a vape you have a couple others to fall back on, and I envy you that. I understand your point of view, however, and will stop posting in this thread henceforth regardless of what I have to contribute. It's easy for you to be sarcastic about starting a pool, but I had only the nicest intentions at heart when sharing my (admittedly childlike) enthusiasm. If reading a couple of posts a page of this seems reason enough to prompt your rant, clearly I'm doing something wrong.
EDIT - Other than on this current page, I'd like you to point out posts that have been or have seemed unnecessary - my previous posts have only been about sharing coupon codes or exchanging information about shipping details with other members (I'm sure if I had posted some inanity, moderators would have stepped in to rectify the situation). I really don't know why this would be enough to bring on the negativity you've just heaped upon me, it certainly doesn't feel very nice - but perhaps you're just having a bad day. In fact, I think this debate you've begun has taken a far larger spot in the thread than all my other posts together.
Regardless, I have met some extremely kind, helpful and large-hearted people here on the FC community, and one experience with someone who finds a few sentences a bit of a difficulty to trawl through isn't going to change that. I love these forums for all the happiness and knowledge they've brought me. FC has always been a place for learning and growing, and I will continue to follow this thread from afar - even your posts, @flotntoke , when they're informative. So long and thanks for all the fish.![]()
I often pop ABV right into my mouth.Been using 6.5 on the Nano today, trying out low-temp vaping.
So you guys who do this, am I right you just pop the bowl into your mouth when it's cached?This AVB looks so much more delicious than the dark brown stuff.
I often pop ABV right into my mouth.
( I do cook with it and extract it many ways too.. but down the pie hole happens plenty!)
think this back and forth has already gone on long enough and taken up too much space here. This thread is supposed to be for discussing the nano. That was my point all along. If you'd like to discuss the rest further, please PM me.
I'm going to have a chat with Facebook. I have no idea why or how that discount posted. The offer didn't actually expire, it actually never existed, but it posted! I saw it today. Couldn't even delete it, could only hide it. I think some people tried to use it, but the back end of Facebook shows no record of them and there was never a page for them to link to. Very very strange indeed....There's a larger discount on the Epicvape facebook page, but it's only valid until the 5th of July.I talked about it a couple of pages ago - here's the link so you don't have to trawl through.
You are the greatest!I often pop ABV right into my mouth.
( I do cook with it and extract it many ways too.. but down the pie hole happens plenty!)
Mine fit but I think the stem design has changed since then.
@VaPeD&CoNfUsEd can make you one. He uses a thick tubing that fits both the ID of the nano and the OD to fit the Solo.
A question I had for this thread was, do any of you possess both 14mm and 19mm adjust-a-bowls? If you had adapters to use both with your glass, which would you prefer and why? I read somewhere in the thread that the airflow is much better on the larger size, so I got the 19mm... but is it a noticeable difference? Conversely, are there any advantages to the 14mm over the 19mm?
I just emptied my all glass GonG by placing it flat upside down and blowing on the other side, was super easy. Way better than the poking it out I was doing before. This might be really obvious to everyone else.
Nice idea, but I'd be worried about the hot GONG burning whatever I press it against. Ever heard of the SSV duff jar? - I'm thinking about either buying that and converting it, or making my own duff jar so I can quickly empty my Nano GONGS.
I got one with my DBV and it works perfect with 19mm GonGs as long as you keep the silicon sleeve on there (the sleeve will create the perfect seal, even better than sticking a 19mm male joint in there).
Excellent advice!!!Sounds good to me @JeeSee .
I really like the 19mm GonG. Most of my glass is 19 anyway. On 14mm pieces I use a reducer with 19 GonG. IMO not much difference with the smaller size. Barely perceptible, other than fact that larger size allows slightly faster vapor output - especially if pulling slow and steady. Can't speak to heat sink times as @Ratchett because all my GonGs are 19mm, but usually only heat sink with hash. Personally, I like the cooler temp of the first hit because a little more flavor.
One suggestion here.... unless you think you're going to start collecting glass pieces as a hobby, pick one of the two and stick with it for everything. Adapters can be a pain in the ass to use and keep up with. But, IMO is easier to step up to 19 from 14 than the other way around. 14 into 19 only requires a reducer (a glass bushing), though it will stick and un-stick randomly. 19 into 14 requires a larger (and usually more fragile) adapter which will also stick at random but IME not quite as much. I'm glad I settled on 19, but really don't think there's anything wrong with 14.
A jelly jar or tea tin works great for a duff jar. Just drill a 1/2" hole in the lid and file the rough edge. Stick your GonG or stem into the hole, tilt a bit so not facing straight down and give it a quick blow. IMO is best to keep your ABV airtight and out of light as much as possible, so just empty the jar into a better container every couple days. Did this for years with my EQ (and 3/4" hole) and seldom had any blowback. Never if you empty regularly and use a taller/thinner type jar or tin. Really no need to add another hole with screen for air pressure relief. Tried this on one and the finer/dustier duff seemed to come out more than when using just the one hole. Never saw the need to buy something for this, but I'm cheap and tea tins & jelly jars are free. And, there are some pretty cool looking tea tins out there.
Anymore I usually like to check my duff, so just empty into the lid of tea tin before dumping it in. If you dump instead of blow, give it a quick blow to get rid of the spent dust around the edges. Find this gives about twice as much use between screen cleanings.
I had absolutely no clue there was even such a thing as a 'heat-soak' that can affect the process enough to actually matter! Well, you learn something every day.I think you're right flotntoke, what seems most important is to choose one and stick with it.
BTW, as somebody who is from the land of fresh charas I'm very interested that you also seem to be able to vape hash in the e-nano! I thought you could only use wax or oil with cotton. So do you crumble it and spread it into the green, or can you do pure hits too? Logistically it sounds improbable... Won't the fine particles just seep through the stem's mesh and into your mouth (and in my experience, hash gets very fine and crumbly when vaped)?