Can someone explain the pros/cons of the different stems? I'm trying to decide between the all glass or heavy glass - honeycomb screen for either.
ebay has themI use the all glass gong living in the uk i prefer it as it would cost to much to ship the screens to me
hope that gets it clear and I didnt entirely suck at measuring. tbc
New glass jit
Milked it to opaque. I am Milk.
There ya go! Thanks for the info, this will be alota help! @Osn Dosn is this a new Nano or is it an early one? My heat port is the same size.
I hate you for making me want a worked piece with this picture! Glass was always a fool's errand, but I can just imagine what the feeling would be like when a worked piece finally takes a crack or chip one day... Ouch!New glass jit
Milked it to opaque. I am Milk.
Good morning,
@Caligula, @Osn Dosn, @Reflections, I gave it try yesterday and put together an Enano stem. I was gonna try it like I did the CRZ stems and slide the SS tubing inside the wood stem. I got an Irwin drill bit, I dont really like the brand nor the price of the it, but got it anyway. I couldnt get the damn thing to drill true and precise. Oh it would drill a hole if thats all you needed was a hole, but it wasnt something you could count on. The hole was a slightly larger than it was supposed to be and the tubing would not fit nice and tight in the wood stem. I thought why not try it like a Solo stem, hmm why not. I cut another piece of Cocobolo, bored a smaller draw hole, turned it down to size and hammered it into the SS bushing. The wood shaft that slides inside the bushing goes about 1/2" and has a small lip on the inside of the bushing. This lip allows you to seat a screen in place just like in my Solo stems. The ID of the tubing is just under 3/8" so I punched out a 3/8" screen from a 3/4" screen. The screen is larger than the ID on the bushing and has to be pressed into place but once done it fits really tight and doesnt seem to need an internal retaining clip to hold it there. The bowl depth is 1/2" and provides plenty of space for a load. I crumbled up a load with my fingers and sucked the material in the stem like a straw. I like to set the Nano at 7, I place the tip of the stem just over the heat port and got some really nice clouds of vapor, pulling the stem off the heat port between draws and replacing it. The bushing got hot, hell its SS steel and is gonna get hot! It performed really well! I still have a thought of separation, I dealt with the issues on the Solo stems, once the metal got hot and wood tended to shrink slightly, the bushing would slip off, thats why I installed the pin in them. I didnt get any separation after a couple sessions using it. I got a rag in my hand and tried to pull the bushing off the wood shaft when it was hot but was unable to do so. The Solo and the Nano operate differently of course, but I am concerned with a potential separation, more testing is gonna have to be done. I really enjoyed making this stem and hope you all like what I have come up with. I really love my job! I get to make neat stuff and testing is always the best part!
This stem is made from the finest Nicaraguan Cocobolo, is 4" in length and is 7/16" OD.
New glass jit
Milked it to opaque. I am Milk.